Developer: Marlin Spring Developments, Altree Developments, Greybrook Realty Partners
Address: 2306 St. Clair Ave West, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2022
Height: 116 ft / 35.50 mStoreys: 10 storeys
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Ya know, @ProjectEnd 's take notwithstanding, I don't hate this..............the mismatched colour-tones on the brick are awful.......but's passable.

The St.Clair frontage is perhaps the weakest part, a bit too munch unadorned brick.....but that's pretty fixable down the line.

There's lots that could be better; but I'm not hating this.
I agree. I actually think it looks quite nice.
Imagine that whole area once was dedicated turning live animals into mystery meat...

...while I can't vouch much for the architecture of what is currently built instead...I would like to say it's a lot more savory (no pun intended) than what used to be there.
They really should have integrated that silver mechanical unit on top of the mechanical penthouse into the design better. It's an annoying imperfection on an otherwise handsome building.

Another issue I have are the cold and utilitarian concrete retaining walls along Symes Road. A landscape retaining wall should look decorative and attractive. These ones have the utilitarian look and feel of freeway infrastructure.

Perhaps the intent was to contrast with the brick facade, but at least create an interesting texture in the concrete using board forms. The existing retaining walls look cheap and lazy, and the plantings they chose, mainly ornamental grasses, are never going to hide them well.
