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Apr 22, 2007
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Does anyone have any further details on this or know what it is?

199 & 181 Richmond Street West
Intersection: South side of Richmond St, east of Duncan.
Purchaser's Name: Aspen Ridge Homes Ltd
Date of Sale: 26-Jul-07, 26-Jul-06
Sale Price: $29.7m
Area (Acres): 1.151
# of Units: 500 (est)
GFA (sq ft): 412,500 (est)
Remarks: Aspen Ridge Homes purchased a 1.045 acre parcel for $27m in July 2006 and subsequently acquired at 0.106 acre parcel in July 2007. A condominium apartment is being proposed for the site. No applications have been made, however an estimated 500 units are being proposed along with an estimated GFA of 412,500 sq ft.

Details are from 'NBLC Market Overview'

I think it's the huge lot immediately west of the horrid Downtown Plaza (or whatever that atrocity beside the Shangri-La site is called).


I think it's the huge lot immediately west of the horrid Downtown Plaza (or whatever that atrocity beside the Shangri-La site is called).

... correct (the condo you're referring to on the corner is known as "University Plaza").

This is across the street from the Boutique condo site.

There were 2 different sale transactions, one was for the parking lot and the other was for the building shown in the top left corner of the blue-outlined aerial shot (currently a nightclub, I think it's had a few different names, not sure what it's called now).



I'd like to briefly hide it in an implosion cloud.

I've always wondered if the turrets up top were for armed guards who were to hold drunken clubbers at bay.
It's encouraging that Aspen Ridge is involved. They are developing the VU Condo at Jarvis and Adelaide, arguably one of the nicer-looking projects, They also promote sustainable (i.e. green) buildings. In short, it's great news for the King/Spadina area.
I've always wondered if the turrets up top were for armed guards who were to hold drunken clubbers at bay.

Perhaps we can impound some of our local con artists/social irritants in those turrets, like Conrad Black, Harry Stinson, Dash Domi and maybe Zanta for good measure. Hell, we could toss Barbara Amiel in with Zanta, keep a hidden camera going 24/7 and broadcast it on the curved screen in TLS. Now that's reality TV!

(Ok, I'm a little baked...g'night.)
199 Richmond Details: Aspen Ridge Homes & Quadrangle Architects:

  • 'S' shaped building immediately west of University Plaza stretching from Richmond to Nelson
  • The 'S' shaped structure is planned at 18s with a 2s podium containing office uses facing Richmond (May contain new Aspen Ridge design studio & office)
  • The inside of the 'S' shape on Nelson will create a new public plaza
  • Nelson sidewalks on the north side of the street are planned to be widened to improve pedestrian flow
  • Access to parking will be from a widened public lane at east end of site
  • Retail units will face corner of Nelson and Duncan and a 2nd retail unit will be on Nelson
  • "Family" sized units at lower levels of building
  • The corner of Nelson and Duncan is planned to have a 35s point tower.
  • The tower widens up to the 8th floor and then slopes back until the crown on the west face.
  • The east facade also slopes out to a higher floor and then angles back towards to crown
  • 682 units
  • 574 parking spaces, 150 will be public to replace the lost surface parking lot
  • Two clubs will be taken out of circulation due to the development
  • 11.5 FSI
  • Knock out panels planned between some of the units
Half way between... it has a sweeping curve but the two ends of the "S" flatten out to run parallel to Richmond at the NW corner and parallel to Nelson at the SE corner of the site.
