Yes, this exactly. I got a picture of site remediation steel tubing last night...


Should be enough to get down 5 to 6 floors to continue the site remediation, then once finished they can dump the remediated soil back in and get their excavation permit.

That's nonsense - there is no way they will refill the hole only to dig it out again. Construction is underway - step one may be called remediation but I'm sure it will continue straight into excavation.
I was joking!

Lol! The site shoring has begun, I saw it with my own eyes. They are shoring the entire site, including the Harbour Plaza Estate Towers...
The groundbreaking ceremony for the office tower is next week.

Left coaster mentioned on SSP that it was some small tenant that was only taking about 100k of space, and that it is going up on spec otherwise. He mentioned a specific name as well, but I forget it now.
I gather it's only the office component for now. The towers may not start for a couple of years. If ten York is any indication, they won't take long to be gobbled up.
Excavator at Harbour Plaza.... I'll look and see if I can find a picture that clearly shows shoring at the Harbour Plaza Site.


The eastern limit of the Harbour Plaza Site

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anyone else think the double towers look like a blatant copy of maple leaf square only scaled bigger? I wouldn't care except I'm not a fan of these massive and obvious mechanical penthouses on top of buildings. Wish they would at least use reflective glass on them so they don't stick out so much, it seems like it wouldn't take a genius to hide them and make them fit with the overall design.
