The podium looks awful in that video- huge expanses of blank wall around and above the pedestrian realm.
Blocked is somewhat overstating it. Impacted might be understating it. Yes, if by views one means unobstructed views of the lake, then the only guaranteed location is right beside it. Otherwise the only views that are guaranteed in this city are city views, and unless you're directly across the street from a park, then close-quarter building views may be part of that eventually if not from day one.

19 January 2013:

I'd say the design of this project is pretty outdated (like 1960s outdated), so the materials used will certainly make or break this building. Funny how all the new building renders include massive signs with the street address on them in a strange font that looks like an attempt at cosmopolitan but ends up looking super cheap.
i don't know why you're confused, look at the UN headquarters, it was built in 1952 and looks very similar.
I just realized in Jasonzed's first photo how well ICE's curtain/window wall and balcony glass goes with MLS' podium glass.
