From the GO a few moments ago:

One thing I always notice on the trip through Brampton is how much free space there is around the downtown to develop, whether it be parking lots or open fields. I can imagine all the empty land around being filled in and Brampton could have a super vibrant downtown.

Unfortunately though the development here is slow, and many just aren't architecturally living up to what should be here. It bugs me that Metrolinx will flatten a whole block of homes and turn it into a parking lot during a housing crisis. Like if they intend to sell it or build on it, now's the best time in the cities history. The location may not be the most ideal, but the GO station here deserves better. That's off topic though.

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I don't mind Metrolinx flattening housing for a new station… what I do mind is them not incorporating housing into the new one. Every GO station in the GHTA should be a multi-use development with housing and retail and office to go with the transport hub. It's so basic it's insane that it's not done!

Today, from the corner of John and Lynch.

It's at least two steps up from the nightmare on Railroad Street.

The view today from Queen Street. Again, looking respectable, at least compared to other nearby towers going up.

I like how the office component retains the concrete superstructure of the older office building on the site. With Peel Memorial set for expansion and upgrade towards a full-service hospital, the office space here should be easy to lease.

This one is quite a bit better than the Rhythm one, but still hitting sour notes with me...
