I hope they have a plan to disguise it. It's downright ugly, and having that view on Yonge St. is a sin of major proportions. Did they bypass the DRP? I can't see this being left as is. That's almost as bad as the Manulife podium renewal.
July 26:


I hope they have a plan to disguise it. It's downright ugly, and having that view on Yonge St. is a sin of major proportions. Did they bypass the DRP? I can't see this being left as is. That's almost as bad as the Manulife podium renewal.

This has been discussed innumerable times in the forum. The parking garage will be disguised to appear as a podium and will have retail at grade, as one can clearly see in the database drawings.
I hope they have a plan to disguise it. It's downright ugly, and having that view on Yonge St. is a sin of major proportions. Did they bypass the DRP? I can't see this being left as is. That's almost as bad as the Manulife podium renewal.
As @mcornett mentioned, you just have to click on the database file linked to the top of most threads to see renderings that'll give you the answers.

I hope they have a plan to disguise it. It's downright ugly, and having that view on Yonge St. is a sin of major proportions. Did they bypass the DRP? I can't see this being left as is. That's almost as bad as the Manulife podium renewal.
Why don't you read?

Are there plans to disguise the ugly parking garage visible along yonge. That makes the project look sterile and oh so 70's + 80's, when parking garages were a thing. Not so much any more. I understand
they are necessary, but making them standout along a major thoroughfare like Yonge, looks like an architectural mistake.

It's going to be all covered up.

You know you can just check the database file, right?

I think/hope the facade will look interesting when done. Perhaps it will be back lit for some drama.
I hope they have a plan to disguise it. It's downright ugly, and having that view on Yonge St. is a sin of major proportions. Did they bypass the DRP? I can't see this being left as is. That's almost as bad as the Manulife podium renewal.
Wouldn't hold my breath with Lanterra, looked at one of their projects (Artist Alley) then deterred by overwhelmingly negative experiences with previous owners on their build quality and taking care of customers.
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