May 21
What the site looks like today



I dont care what people say about this block, plain and simple its a dump and any replacement here is an accomplishment for this Yonge street strip.
Do you know when the plans will be shown? Can you say whether they are distinctive or innovative in any way?

Its interesting how Aa and Harini Pontarini are dominating major commissions. Are there any up and coming local boutique architecture firms that you could envision joining them at the front of the pack?
I dont care what people say about this block, plain and simple its a dump and any replacement here is an accomplishment for this Yonge street strip.

I'm totally agree , any replacement here is an accomplishment and strategic leap toward all of Downtown section of Yonge revitalization....
Althoug I like Murano's exterior.... I'm hoping we'll get something a little more interesting. I'm getting tired of these lifeless glass boxes.
Would've been a great opportunity for Lanterra to hold an international competition a la Absolute. Two 58 story buildings - this is a huge project.
With each condo built my dream of a world solely composed of ninety degree angles continues to materialize...
