PE I think most here are complaining about the dimensions ( podiumzilla) and not the actual finishes of the building. This is exactly what the line drawings show and so far they are not liked, easy as that.
This is too hilarious...

The following in bold , from the exact same post of yours, is the proof of insults and berating you just asked me to provide.

This whole thing was a vitriolc rant. There is the proof you need.

(Also a glaring proof of narcissistic paranoia. "The world is out to get me and they all have conspired against me with their cavern of lies." )

That's it? That's all?

So you refuse to acknowledge any of the substantive points in my post and instead reply with little more than 'you called me poopy names'... If being rightly called out for clownish behavior or general buffoonery constitutes "insults and berating" than it seems your hide is far thinner than your avatar would have us believe. The whole thing was less a vitriolic rant than an attempt at some sort of dialogue between those who have seen the building and are requesting a moratorium on moronic, uninformed commentary and those who simply wish to throw mud in the dark. Had you actually read the post, you'd see that I recognize your contribution(s) to this site and situate my current inability to speak about the 501 Yonge project in detail in that context.

I’m well aware there is a process, however, as you pointed out, there is only so much the city can do and as such I wanted to make my thoughts clear about the current project design

This only indicates that you either haven't read anything several of us have written, or are just being willfully ignorant of the fact that this isn't the "current project design."

Good Lord that was practically a whole page! Did you honestly spend, what, an hour or so just lambasting people who’s opinion doesn’t conform to your own? You have way too much time on your hands and far too much anger in your system. Either you have been doubling up on your meds or you should be.

You have issues dude.

You want to talk about credibility?

If only it were ironic that you would respond to me and fail to address, or even mention, any of the substantive points in my original post. Furthermore, you take the cowardly stance that it would be better to insult the poster (quite lamely I might add - meds? Really?) rather than address anything he or she has said.

And yes, I do want to talk about credibility, in particular how you get the impression that you have any of it. You've made aggressive criticisms in several threads against a building about which you know nothing and when asked to hold your tongue until you've seen an accurate visual, you accuse those who've made the requests of insulting and berating you. Now you joke that I have issues and need more or less of my 'meds' and cherry that sucker by asking me about credibility?

PE I think most here are complaining about the dimensions ( podiumzilla) and not the actual finishes of the building. This is exactly what the line drawings show and so far they are not liked, easy as that.

Right. The line drawings which several people have confirmed are accurate, no?
No one this vehemently defending a line drawing, is a nonpartisan member of the public upholding the truth. No one cares that much for fair play towards an anonymous developer, or takes it this personally if "mud is slung in the dark" unless they are invested in the project somehow.

You are acting like you have taken the criticisms of the building personally. Who does this?

Two kinds of people:

Those who are personally invested in its design or development


Someone with an identity crisis who can not differentiate themselves from a building.

Either way, you are starting to scare all of us and I think you need to seek help.
'Specially with me there :)
^ I think I may attend, even though I left the neighbourhood 20 years ago.

Everyone at some time lived somewhere nearby..why not just arrange to have the meeting at the
I doubt anyone that lives more than 120 meters away from this proposed development has any pull.
Everyone at some time lived somewhere nearby..why not just arrange to have the meeting at the
I doubt anyone that lives more than 120 meters away from this proposed development has any pull.

LOL....i suspect this one may turn out to be even better than the 580 church meeting!!
I do not understand all of this bickering. There has NOT been a proposal of the project released yet.
Everyone at some time lived somewhere nearby..why not just arrange to have the meeting at the
I doubt anyone that lives more than 120 meters away from this proposed development has any pull.

I know that. Nothing to stop me going as an observer of the process, though.
I know that. Nothing to stop me going as an observer of the process, though.

I enjoy watching NIMBYism at work, as long as it's not me they're NIMBYing against, hahaha. I get a kick out of some of the arguments that people use to try and stop a development. It's like going to a comedy club sometimes, although a lot of the time it just makes me want to facepalm.
I enjoy watching NIMBYism at work, as long as it's not me they're NIMBYing against, hahaha. I get a kick out of some of the arguments that people use to try and stop a development. It's like going to a comedy club sometimes, although a lot of the time it just makes me want to facepalm.

How about "prevent a bad development" as opposed to "stop a development". I guess that with you, all development is good. From a Yonge St. standpoint, the schematic published for this one, however preliminary or conceptual, is a total stinker.
How about "prevent a bad development" as opposed to "stop a development". I guess that with you, all development is good. From a Yonge St. standpoint, the schematic published for this one, however preliminary or conceptual, is a total stinker.

On the contrary, there are a lot of developments that I oppose. I choose what I support and don't support on a case by case basis.

I just get the feeling that people have a knee-jerk reaction with this development because of its height and the plainness of the crude elevation drawings. For me what is going to tip the balance on this project is how it addresses the street. What kind of retail will it have? How will the podium work with the surrounding buildings? What kind of materials will the facade of the podium be made of? These are all questions that unless you're involved with the project, you have no idea what the answer will be. Hence why I can't really understand why people are opposing it like they are, especially with the reasons that they're giving of why they don't like it.
