Look at it this way. It's like force-feeding deep psychogeography upon dumb yokels and forcing them to vomit.
I absolutely agree!... but I don't expect much anymore with Toronto!... those bureaucrats in the three levels of government... you cannot expect this city to become one of the first class cities in the world anymore!... I can only inspire with awe about NYC, Dubai, Singapore, Hongkong, Sydney, Melbourne, Chicago, London, Paris, Madrid, Tokyo, San Francisco, LA, and what have you.... Toronto with those kind of politicians in the government will never be like these great cities! Sad ;(

Beyond pretty pictures have you actually ever seen Sydney, Chicago, San Francisco, LA? Although unique in their own right those are not cities to which one should aspire. Including Dubai is an insult to the other cities in that list.
Beyond pretty pictures have you actually ever seen Sydney, Chicago, San Francisco, LA? Although unique in their own right those are not cities to which one should aspire. Including Dubai is an insult to the other cities in that list.

Well.... I think you just summarized the whole point some of us are making on this forum; "Pretty Pictures"
Yes, every city has their own downsides like south Chigaco, Bronx in New York, south central LA and so on as the list goes.

What's hiding those unpretty areas are well approved, and beautifully designed tall skyscrapers in their skyline; something Toronto will never have due mediocre buildings in our core.
Somebody has to stand up against these developers who are putting their money ahead of the city's permanent image.
If this is the sort of thing we're losing out on because we lack "beautifully designed tall skyscrapers in [the] skyline" then I'll (and any urbanite / sane person worth their salt) happily remain the 'mediocre' little burg that seems to frustrate you so.
If this is the sort of thing we're losing out on because we lack "beautifully designed tall skyscrapers in [the] skyline" then I'll (and any urbanite / sane person worth their salt) happily remain the 'mediocre' little burg that seems to frustrate you so.
Thanks for posting one coner in a city that has scores of beautiful vibrant streets and promanades.
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Well.... I think you just summarized the whole point some of us are making on this forum; "Pretty Pictures"
Yes, every city has their own downsides like south Chigaco, Bronx in New York, south central LA and so on as the list goes.

What's hiding those unpretty areas are well approved, and beautifully designed tall skyscrapers in their skyline; something Toronto will never have due mediocre buildings in our core.
Somebody has to stand up against these developers who are putting their money ahead of the city's permanent image.

The LA skyline is far from beautiful or impressive. Toronto has already left LA in its dust. Now New York & Chicago are another story.
Thanks for posting one coner in a city that has scores of beautiful vibrant streets and promanades.

Ahh, apologies. How about this one then?

The point isn't that LA doesn't have some excellent streetscapes, it's that if we stop concerning ourselves with street-level interaction and only focus on the 'pretty picture,' 'skyline-focused' 'urbanism' for which kweku advocates, we end up with the sort of disasters I included above.

I will take la's warehouse district over ours any day.

Oh, you mean the warehouse district which isn't visible on the skyline?
adma - TMI, and not the greatest way to return from your tech-imposed exile.


With the greatest respect for the job you do here ...

The way mods are constantly censoring our distinctive voices here, or threatening it, is really really tiresome and offensive
I think the "moderator" role is a difficult one. Admittedly I do find that the best approach is for mods to not engage in debate or share opinions but rather ensure that the boards run smoothly. Maybe the mods should have separate "personal" accounts by which they engage in discussions, so that their moderator accounts can be used solely for moderating. Just an idea.

Anyways we should probably get back on topic to 501 Yonge itself. If people want to have a skyline vs. streetscape debate (streetscape is going to win every time for me!) then maybe the Toronto Issues section would be the best place to create a thread for that topic.
This is likely the only place on the entire Yonge Street strip downtown where an entire block can be developed at once. With that in mind, we should demand something special on this block as this opportunity won't present itself again. The current proposal would be satisfactory in most other spots in the city, but it's just not good enough here. This is far too low brow architecturally.

This is the main high street in Canada's biggest city. It's our Oxford Street. Buildings proposed here need to meet a higher standard. For that reason alone I'd very much prefer this block stay as is till an appropriate development comes along.
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