Let's just hope that they choose a font for "Union Station" that looks a little more professional and I hope they don't mess up the kerning.
i think that rendering popped up in this thread several months ago as i recall seeing it. anyway, yes, it is very reserved but could we have expected anything else? i do like how they are using the same materials as telus to construct the entrance. the extension of the PATH is also nice.

i believe the font they are using on the outside is the same standard TTC font they use in every station. i'm really glad they're doing that.
Erm, the font shown in the rendering is (drum roll), Helvetica. I think I've seen it used professionally on occasion...

Oh yeah, plus there's a whole movie about it, and it's the most used font in modern history.

In this case the kerning is very wide so as to visually transmit the g r a n d n a t u r e of the station. What's the big deal?

The planned new south Union Station entrance looked cooler with the letters announcing its name being on the lip of the roof... they stood out more. Why they would move them down I'm not quite sure but if they do the signage right it could end up being even more classy than the old rendering I saw.

We'll see :). Either way it's exciting stuff!
The lights behind Telus's fins were on tonight going about halfway up the tower. They cant really be noticed when looking from the north or south, but from the east and west they light up the supports for the fins. It looks pretty cool.
Erm, the font shown in the rendering is (drum roll), Helvetica. I think I've seen it used professionally on occasion...

Oh yeah, plus there's a whole movie about it, and it's the most used font in modern history.

In this case the kerning is very wide so as to visually transmit the g r a n d n a t u r e of the station. What's the big deal?


I think he might be referring to the fact that the kerning depicted isn't very consistent.
It isn't?


The word on the street says that urbandreamer likes the black cladding:


Oh wow that is sexy!!!!

Kind of reminds of the autobots spaceship that crashed into the side of the mountain in the old 80s cartoon

** Edit **

Looking at the link posted. Is it me or is access to the underground receiving for the building going to be via a ramp along Lakeshore west?, think the current ramp for the ACC in the same area? That's somewhat odd isn't it? Also what effect would that have on any potential Bremner streetcar/LRT route?
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The kerning in the rendering looks fine but I was just hoping the people installing the letters pay close attention to make sure they do it right. Museum Station renderings looked fine and we all know how that turned out.

While Helvetica is a nice clean option, I only wished they used something with a bit more personality. Personally, I would love to see them use the TTC typeface in its ALL CAPS glory to knock it out of the park.
The parking garage is off Bremner, but I'm pretty sure receiving is via the ACC ramp. I believe the ACC ramp will also end up servicing Union once everything opens up
The ramp into Telus is off of Bremner.

I believe that is for underground parking for cars. Woodbridge_Heights is referring to the truck entrance for the loading/unloading areas for Telus, which will also serve ACC and MLS unless I'm mistaken.
is that supposed to be the new train shed/ platform for union in the first picture? looks exciting.
