May 15








I was just walking back from lunch, and noticed that a large support strucutre has been erected atop of the northeast corner of Telus...I strongly suspect that this is (finally!) the beginning of the fins. If this is the case, it looks like they will definitely be as tall as they appear in the renderings. Should look great!
Nice, except the mechanical room will still be seen from the east and west, so won't totally dissappear.
you must be kidding, I thought fins will cover all sides , if you what you said is true then it will not look good.

Because of the rectangular shape of the building, it's not as easy to see the mechanical box from the east or west anyway, especially if you're at street level.
Considering the fins are glass, it's not going to "disappear" anyway. Just be less noticeable.
you must be kidding, I thought fins will cover all sides , if you what you said is true then it will not look good.

Check out the model pictured in post #985 -- even though the fins are only going to be on the north and south sides, I think that they are still going to look pretty good. Of course, it would be better without any mechanical box at all, but at least the fins will moderate the effect somewhat.
you must be kidding, I thought fins will cover all sides , if you what you said is true then it will not look good.

I'm not sure why you thought this would happen. All renders and model shots have shown fins on the north and south sides only. There was never any plan to cover all four sides.
with the mechanical box being black it doesn't look that bad so it doesn't need to be covered on all sides imo. it doesn't even need fins but there a great extra addition. so is the spire if they build it. thanks for the pics down on the upside.
I'm sorry but there's no way that fins on 'all four sides' would look better than the proposed version. That's silly. Covering up a box does not make the building automatically more attractive. If there were fins to 'all four sides', it would break the already strong datum, which is one of the main providers of beauty on this building. It would also draw attention to the top of the building, again detracting from the aesthetic, the strong lines and planes of this structure draw your eyes around and across the structure without providing a singular focal point. This is pleasant for such a glassy, precious stone looking motif. And no, the box is not going to turn into a focal point if you're like most people and don't freak out about mechanical penthouses. Instead of panicking over a silly box, try thinking about design, or even picturing options in your head. Fins on 'all four sides' would be poor design.
