Noticed yesterday that the Telus Core seems to be at the second level now. Also Maple Leaf Square has one small section at street level.
/\ Confirmed. Just drove by tonight and almost veered into the oncoming lane because I was staring at these two beauties and thinking of whats to come.
I can't wait for the pending projects on the opposite two corners--this is going to be an astonishing intersection.
Photo taken today Jan 2 looking west. RBC cranes visible in the background.

Looking east towards the ACC


MLS Jan 2
Is it me or is this project getting built drastically different than the other towers in Toronto?
For some reason I just can't get excited about this building. We're losing a somewhat iconic view of the Toronto skyline, with Royal York front and centre. I know this is inevitable but I'd rather lose it to something a little more spectacular than Union Telus, which I think would otherwise make a great project if located almost anywhere else. Then again, I'm completely willing to change my mind once I see it completed.
I hate seeing the Royal York view eliminated as well, but it's not just Telus doing it. If it weren't Telus it would be MLS, and if it weren't that it would be whatever gets built on the south side of Lakeshore at York. There's literally three city blocks of brownfields to the South of the Royal York, so it was inevitable that something was going to block it sooner or later
The Royal York will be easily viewed if you take just a few steps to the left or right, or north or south or wherever... so I'm not too worried. :)
It's not a very big and massive like RBC or Bay Adelaide so I think they are taking sort of condo approach to building this tower
For me the success of this tower and area is hinging on this proposed entrance to Union Station.
