Solong to Royal York, and hello to another box. Progress.

Solong to Royal York, and hello to another box. Progress.

soon there after will be ....

"Solong to Telus, and hello to Maple Leaf Square"

followed by ...

"Solong to Maple Leaf Square, and hello to ______ (whatever tower gets build on the 90 Harbour Street site when redeveloped)"
soon there after will be ....

"Solong to Telus, and hello to Maple Leaf Square"

followed by ...

"Solong to Maple Leaf Square, and hello to ______ (whatever tower gets build on the 90 Harbour Street site when redeveloped)"

So true. At least Telus and MLS are, at the least, better looking than the schlock on either side in the picture
I'd rather lose a view of the Royal York from the water than have big lots of dirt in the middle of the downtown core.

One view I only see on postcards. The other I see everyday.
you've been busy CN ~ thanks for the great shots

I really like the mirrored reflections ... is it just the sun or the quality of glass used? if latter this type of glass should be used a whole lot more (to bring light down to street level in towers-filled streets)
