Conservative, perhaps, but very appropriate infill for this underused location. In fact, there's that ugly auto garage on the other side of Indian Road that needs to be redeveloped as well, and several more sites along this stretch of Bloor West.

Condos come to my 'hood: Perfect!
15 August 2008 photo update

The sign on the property in question:

1638 Bloor Street West (12 storeys)

New development at Bloor Street West & Indian Road. This is part of the potential transformation of the strip of Bloor Street from Keele to Dundas St W.

The potential for change along here is great as people who could not afford the Bloor West Village look for another area near by to live. I'm one of those people who could not afford the Village but bought in this area instead. The Zellers & Loblaws lot as well as a muffler shop are also ripe for redevelopment in the next 10 years (once the economy picks up again)

These guys were a pleasure to work with at the bia community meetings. They made several changes to the design and were quite accommodating to the residents in the area. Hopefully the economy won't affect them. Giraffe could learn something from them.
Hopefully this one will line up with the other buildings on the street. I dislike intensified streets where buildings were seemingly arbitrarily placed on the lot creating a messy look. Bay just south of Bloor comes to mind.

I hope those buildings with the parking lots in front all go soon, like the garages.
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These guys were a pleasure to work with at the bia community meetings. They made several changes to the design and were quite accommodating to the residents in the area. Hopefully the economy won't affect them. Giraffe could learn something from them.

Regarding Giraffe How many changes can you make with 3/4 the lot size of 1638 Bloor St,unless your talking in cutting down on 15-20 floors.Which is what i believe the area residents would be happy with.
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Come out one and all

Regarding Giraffe How many changes can you make with 3/4 the lot size of 1638 Bloor St,unless your talking in cutting down on 15-20 floors.Which is what i believe the area residents would be happy with.

There are many things about this site the residents are not happy with and if you had been to the open forum meetings you would know this. According to Gord Perks there is another meeting in January sometime, a more precise date will be given out on his website I look forward to seeing you there. I'm guessing your not made up of a Gold wrestler avatar are you?
I looked at the design at giraffeliving website and I must say it looks like an IKEA furniture warehouse and so does the lobby. The design sure won't fit in with the rest of the neighborhood. I believe it will be a long time before the entire building sells.

If you guys don't like the corner of Bloor and Dundas West then move away. The law is quite clear about signs. The Giraffe will just be another ugly building at that corner. Sounds like you guys want a Manhattan style living then move downtown.

Whats coming to city counsel agenda this fall will be a couple of new zoning bylaws that will also hamper the site such as the new anti vibration laws. The only good thing about the giraffe is the website ( somewhat original). They are fishing for clients but will be many years before anything is built from my experience. They need enough people to secure a reserve fund needed by provincial law. Thats why its better to buy used than new because you know when you can move in and not worry that your property management and builder going bankrupt and your out your cash.

I know all this for I must confess I have a couple of friends in the know and the other because I bought a condo before it was built and the builder went bankrupt ( thats right not all do of course) however this one has all the signs that something is amiss.

Its funny that a 3-4 years ago when i was on my way to my bank on Marmaduke this same group approached me at the bank entrance to sign a petition that they had at the time against the Stinson Lofts on reducing there floors plans by 2 stories.

Some of the area residents are a bunch of whiners that dont have better things to do than just lie,badmouth and reject any new development.
City councilor Gord Perks is another poor accomplisher that couldnt care if everyone lived in a cave.

Here are some of the development-related issues identified by area residents and business owners.

Do you have any to add to the list? Email us with your one-line description at:

Aesthetics and design
Construction impact on the viability of Bloor Street businesses
Consultation with the community – ensuring the area residents have a real influence on the outcome
Density - too much density for the neigbourhood and for the corner
Environmental impact and green buildings
Fit with neighbourhood character – is a tower too “downtown” for the neighbourhood. Precedents set for development up Dundas and across Bloor to Keele
Improving the Intersection and Street Life – people pass through and don’t stay/shop
MasterPlan – taking a long term view of the whole area, and not a short term view of the site and the proposed building
Parking - adding more cars to the area
Pedestrian Safety - reducing the peril to pedestrians at an already dangerous intersection. Jaywalking
Shadows – the shadows cast by such a tall building, in conjunction with Crossways
Taxi’s making u-turns
Traffic congestion and impact on TTC vehicles turning at the corner
TTC/Transit Hub – realizing the full potential of this hub. Connecting with GO Transit and adding a second entrance on the East side of Dundas
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so come out

Its funny that a 3-4 years ago when i was on my way to my bank on Marmaduke this same group approached me at the bank entrance to sign a petition that they had at the time against the Stinson Lofts on reducing there floors plans by 2 stories.

Some of the area residents are a bunch of whiners that dont have better things to do than just lie,badmouth and reject any new development.
City councilor Gord Perks is another poor accomplisher that couldnt care if everyone lived in a cave.

I was skeptical too when first going to the meetings. Some raised valid points such as traffic flow and pedestrian safety. Height was never my personal issue as it was to some but not all. Something has to be built there but I feel sorry for those that buy units facing the Crossways or the building on the south west corner with the concrete falling off the balconies. The Giraffe people when asked to put in a direct tunnel access to the TTC, they up-right refused. There should also be a tunnel to the north east corner to stop all the j walking and aid in the access to the crossways and GO station even though the taxi stand does far more business than the GO.
So you do live in the neighborhood, go to the meetings and participate. But just sitting and complaining about all your neighbors and not bringing your vision of the community to the table only hurts you in the long run.

So come out to the meetings, and you tell us what you really think of us and Gord Perks.
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So you do live in the neighborhood, go to the meetings and participate. But just sitting and complaining about all your neighbors and not bringing your vision of the community to the table only hurts you in the long run.

So come out to the meetings, and you tell us what you really think of us and Gord Perks.

Actually i reside in South Parkdale,where things are less complicated and more exciting.
I would love to come to these meetings but unfortunately im working 4000 miles away in the Madeira Islands and will not be able to make it.
Good luck with all these meetings regarding your wonderful neighbourhood.
I hope you guys can work everything out, but remember if you snooze you lose,playing hardball with every new and future developments will only hurt the vision that most residents and politicians have for this area.
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The Address at High Park

Just thought I'd add a quick note. It appears that the sale centre is being worked on. There are new billboards up advertising "The Address at High Park" with a website: There isn't much on the site yet. They are taking registrations for priority preview.
It would be a nice addition to the neighbourhood, but I can't see it being built any time soon in this economy.
8 April 2009 photo update

Okay, so the economy is in the sh*tter, but you know why I think this new condo in my 'hood (and a shortened cheapened Giraffe condo as well) will get built? Because just after I leave an area, it becomes trendy and condo-ized.:) (When will I leave my current area? 2011-ish....)


Okay, so the economy is in the sh*tter, but you know why I think this new condo in my 'hood (and a shortened cheapened Giraffe condo as well) will get built? Because just after I leave an area, it becomes trendy and condo-ized.:) (When will I leave my current area? 2011-ish....)

Leave to where exactly?, just out of curiosity
