I looked through that entire brochure and I'm still not sure what is so British about this project. (Ah, yes, because nothing about it IS!) :p Hehe.
I did too, and just laughed. Developers are getting really desperate now, the end is nigh.
Yeah, that's the most cringing I've ever done while looking at development marketing; so idiotic. But yes, I was rather impressed by the renderings, I must also say. Especially at the bottom, where stone dominates instead of the usual glass.
Yeah, that's the most cringing I've ever done while looking at development marketing; so idiotic.

You have to get to page 8 of the brochure before you even see a photo from Toronto; page 9 before you see a shot of the actual Sutton building; page 15 before you see a rendering of what they're ostensibly selling. It's just page after page of pictures of the London Eye and Tower Bridge. Even by the laughably low standards of Toronto condo marketing it's pretty amusing.
Nice building. Pretentious bit of posturing with the sales vibe and that interior lobby is beyond bizarre - luxo gauche, I guess you could call it. Still, it ought to look good on the skyline and perhaps they'll take another run at the interior design in the common areas. I too like the inclusion of stone - that podium looks promising.
Nice floor plans....I guess the beauty is that when you want to sleep, there is a bevy of hotels nearby. Brilliant!

Perhaps the most interesting thing here is the disjuncture with the proposed "modernist" exterior--almost as if the latter would have been Chedingtonista schlock, but the backlash in places like Urban Toronto forced them to opt for "modern" drag instead...

The RBC ex-Dexia lobby versus the exterior of the tower is another strange disconnect. The lobby looks like an art deco movie set for a Busby Berkeley extravaganza set in the engine room of a large ocean liner.
Nice building. Pretentious bit of posturing with the sales vibe and that interior lobby is beyond bizarre - luxo gauche, I guess you could call it. Still, it ought to look good on the skyline and perhaps they'll take another run at the interior design in the common areas. I too like the inclusion of stone - that podium looks promising.

I'm not sure if the podium looks "promising" so much like a clumsy token gesture to "contextualism", and all the more clumsy for being a token gesture to an design climate that rejects token gestures to "contextualism". (Yeah, that's convoluted--but clear through the convolution, I hope...)
In smaller units why does the bathtub and sink have to be in a separate room? Why not make them "sculptures" in the centre of the room, or even flexible so you can move them around?

Or, redesign the toilet & sink so they lower or fold flush to the floor, and hanging from the wall would be a waterproof air mattress that would roll out over the bathroom (airtight seal so smells etc don't penetrate) and instantly give you a private bedroom?
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I thought Karma was the low point in this trend towards closets as living spaces, but I see that I was mistaken. An 808 sq.ft. 3-bedroom?
I think this is the worst marketing campaign for a condo development that I've seen. The suite layouts are terrible; the prices are ridiculous; and as someone else has said the interior lobby is bizarre. I hope this development fails. The Sutton Place deserves better.
