From the past weekend
“We thought it would be a very good candidate for a complex building,” Mandelbaum said of IBI. “They’re very good at the kind of architecture we were looking for.
What is that? Risible garbage?
Bay Street from Dundas to Bloor has always had astonishingly ugly buildings on it..... and lots of them. Maybe in 50-60 years when they get re-developed or re-worked this street can be salvaged.
One thing I noticed about the podium: it looks like its precast was *meant* to relate to Macdonald Block and 56 Wellesley.--if only it were in a neo-modern fashion rather than a hackneyed early 00's PoMo timewarp...
i wish it was the opposite, developers spent more money on the exterior and cheaped it from the inside but sadly it is not possible.
i wish it was the opposite, developers spent more money on the exterior and cheaped it from the inside but sadly it is not possible.

If you look at the units, I wouldn't say they spent much money on those either. They did spend money on the common areas though which is expected.
