Your belief that 15 stories would "overwhelm" an area is no less a "straw-man" by that definition.

No, because that is for planners the the public to determine; perhaps it's okay to increase the density, heights without setback, etc., along this stretch of College. It's a discussion that has to be had, regardless of how gentrified or rundown the area in question currently may be.

But there is nothing productive about "Well the area is crappy anyway, so build whatever here. Anything is better than it is currently." etc. That thinking has lead to all sorts of disastrous planning in decades gone by.
No, because that is for planners the the public to determine; perhaps it's okay to increase the density, heights without setback, etc., along this stretch of College. It's a discussion that has to be had, regardless of how gentrified or rundown the area in question currently may be.

But there is nothing productive about "Well the area is crappy anyway, so build whatever here. Anything is better than it is currently." etc. That thinking has lead to all sorts of disastrous planning in decades gone by.

Is there anything productive with respect to complaining about the height of a building that is already under construction?

Qualitatively, that stretch of College is a sh*thole, and "literally anything"™ would improve it.
Is there anything productive with respect to complaining about the height of a building that is already under construction?

Qualitatively, that stretch of College is a sh*thole, and "literally anything"™ would improve it.

You're complaining about people commenting about buildings under construction...on a message board designed for people to talk about buildings under construction.

Welcome to UT!
Is there anything productive with respect to complaining about the height of a building that is already under construction?

Qualitatively, that stretch of College is a sh*thole, and "literally anything"™ would improve it.

Anything but. That stretch has some of the best bones of a major street in the entire city, and is filled with wonderful character.
Anything but. That stretch has some of the best bones of a major street in the entire city, and is filled with wonderful character.

Agreed. Also, I lived just north of this area for a couple years, moved and have recently moved back (as a student I just can't stop moving lol). In that time, I'd honestly say (anecdotally of course) that this area is far from a shithole and has, if anything, gentrified and cleaned up a good deal recently. Maybe it's just me but Kensington feels cleaner lately, if that makes sense?

In any case, this area (College/Spadina) is nothing like it was when I last lived here. The only holdovers are the Waverly, the medical building and the Home Hardware. The Burger King on the corner as well. Anyone who calls this area a shithole has either not been here recently or somehow thinks gourmet hot dogs, cat cafes, building renovations and condos are a sign of a rundown area.
Maybe it's just me but Kensington feels cleaner lately, if that makes sense?,

Kensington's definitely gentrified over the past half-decade. It's still got a lot of that grubby charm, but there's far more of the artisanal preserves/cute stationery/cold-pressed juice end of the spectrum going on. Funny how people scream bloody murder when a chain considers moving anywhere nearby but no-one seems to notice this other kind of change in character, even though it's no less definitive.

Anyone who calls this area a shithole has either not been here recently or somehow thinks gourmet hot dogs, cat cafes, building renovations and condos are a sign of a rundown area.

Anyone who calls this area a shithole likely wouldn't be happy unless they live in a mall.
Agreed. Also, I lived just north of this area for a couple years, moved and have recently moved back (as a student I just can't stop moving lol). In that time, I'd honestly say (anecdotally of course) that this area is far from a shithole and has, if anything, gentrified and cleaned up a good deal recently. Maybe it's just me but Kensington feels cleaner lately, if that makes sense?

In any case, this area (College/Spadina) is nothing like it was when I last lived here. The only holdovers are the Waverly, the medical building and the Home Hardware. The Burger King on the corner as well. Anyone who calls this area a shithole has either not been here recently or somehow thinks gourmet hot dogs, cat cafes, building renovations and condos are a sign of a rundown area.

It has its suburban charms, I will admit.
I see a grossly overrated smoked meat sandwich shop, a yupster hot dog joint and about a billion Chinese computer stores.

"Suburban" may strike some nerves around, I suppose. Let's just College and northward has a Mordor-esque quality.
