The stretch between Davisville and Soudan is bound to become one of the most pleasant avenues to walk through if they are able to retain the good mix of mom-pop retail, services and anchor/corporate tenants (structube, soon oretta & west elm). The mid-rise character is not very common in Toronto and reminds me of portions of the east end / river district.
I'd reckon the next notable candidate for redevelopment in the area would be the St. Louis Bar & Grill, one block south at Yonge & Lola.
2100-2110 Yonge Street and 8-12 Manor Road West- Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report

This item will be considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on October 15, 2020. It will be considered by City Council on October 27, 2020, subject to the actions of the Toronto and East York Community Council.

Approved by City Council today.

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January 16th, 2021


"Heritage facades" (sneer)
They're nothing too special, but these types of brick facades are what bring a lot of the character to Toronto. Love them or hate them.

In addition to that, having decent brickwork is rare these days compared to the cheaper precast. These facades bring a human scale that has been lost in a lot of newer development. Back in the day entrances into buildings being three times the height of any person was kept for rare grand buildings, and now they're on every building. It's nice to keep some buildings designed for people rather than giants.
Another look at the current building:


They're opening up a sales centre across the street on the NE corner of Yonge & Manor:


The renderings are pretty honest here with what to expect. As long as the mullions are kept to a modest trim, and the spandrel panels to a sparse enough ratio, then the finished product should be reasonable. Although the collective colouration of it's opaque components does come together as rather a bit too beige.
Looks like demolition may start soon. Took picture of pile of free stuff left by tenants that have vacated - too bad my car was parked many blocks away as the lamp shade, solid wood and bicycle tires would have been a good catch. also took picture of back lane access which was blocked with a garbage bin delivered as I was there (referred to in my Uovo Boutique thread). Finally photos of vacated store fronts.




