Does anyone know if Marlin Spring is close to being in a state where they will be going under one of these days (ie: a la Conservatory Group or Cresford style).

Just asking so we know if this trash a firm will never be able to build anything again.
Yes, it's very callous. The majority of the people at these firms have nothing to do with the poor design choices/market pressures driving said choices.

Integration of heritage building

Special consideration was also given to the integration of the existing heritage building on site. The historic grain silo structure has been retained and fully integrated into the new podium, along with an exciting program that will bring this structure back to life as an 11,000-plus-sq.-ft. two-storey daycare facility, and enhanced with a new public urban park for all to enjoy.

The entire scale and materiality of the podium has been designed to respect and complement the heritage component. The sequence of multi-storey vertical windows and the stone piers are both reminiscent of the warehouse typology found near the railway land. The continuous retail frontages at grade will provide for lively street animation, while the wider sidewalk and boulevard on Dawes Road will complement and enhance the pedestrian experience.
Actually LOL’d at the “historic grain silo structure” - and the very expensive steel that is holding it all up…
Still image snippet taken from the video here:

Most of the right brick building has been torn down now, with just the facade left with the large steel structure they built holding it. Looks like they may start excavating soon. The new Guest avenue alignment around the back is also all paved and ready to open.
Most of the right brick building has been torn down now, with just the facade left with the large steel structure they built holding it. Looks like they may start excavating soon. The new Guest avenue alignment around the back is also all paved and ready to open.
View attachment 457726

The permits pertaining to partial demolition/facade retention are all in place.

The assorted new building permits (inclusive of shoring) are all either 'under review' or 'refused'.

So, it will probably be a little bit longer yet.
