Address: 161 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2018
Height: 367 ft / 111.86 mStoreys: 33 storeys
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Bleak. Honestly, developments like this give me an existential crisis / depression vibe. All I see is a developer turning a profit by making the city shittier and mind-numbingly ugly. They put architects and planners through the wringer, work them to the bone, and then walk away completely satisfied with the shit they created. I'm all for increased density, and I'm all for developers creating housing, but Jesus Christ, how much more of this type of stuff can we take?
Toronto is suffering from chronic Menkegitis. It's spreading fast and it isn't going away. Unfortunately this opportunistic disease has found a willing host. Symptoms include dizziness, pessimism, headaches, eye sores and occasional nausea . If left untreated, highly visible areas of the host will be permanently scarred, lowering it's sense of self pride, confidence in it's own leadership, long term regret and a pathological urge to purchase a fleet of bulldozers.
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Toronto is suffering from chronic Menkegitis. It's spreading fast and it isn't going away. Unfortunately this opportunistic and parasitic disease has found a willing host. Symptoms include dizziness, pessimism, headaches, eye sores and on occasion, projectile vomiting. If left untreated, highly visible areas of the host will be permanently scarred, lowering its sense of self pride, confidence in its own leadership, long term regret and a pathological urge to purchase a fleet of bulldozers.

LOL - don't care for the content but enjoyed the writing ;-) Good laugh.

P.S. saw 6 healthy patients being wheeled to the exit. Maybe you missed them.
