Address: 161 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2018
Height: 367 ft / 111.86 mStoreys: 33 storeys
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The bigger "modern heritage loss" hereabouts, of course, being Union Carbide (once) to the west.
Agreed, The UC building even won an architecture award if i remember correctly. The southeast corner has looked out of place since they tore down Union Carbide in the late 90's.... I just really hope they dont set this one several meters back from the street like the developer for 123 Eglinton did just over a decade ago. Who knows, we havent seen a render yet... Keep your fingers crossed for something unique.
Agreed, The UC building even won an architecture award if i remember correctly. The southeast corner has looked out of place since they tore down Union Carbide in the late 90's.... I just really hope they dont set this one several meters back from the street like the developer for 123 Eglinton did just over a decade ago. Who knows, we havent seen a render yet... Keep your fingers crossed for something unique.

Menkes is banking on the LRT...price per square foot will definitely be higher than Vaughan
The southeast corner has looked out of place since they tore down Union Carbide in the late 90's.... I just really hope they dont set this one several meters back from the street like the developer for 123 Eglinton did just over a decade ago.

Though to be fair, Union Carbide was similarly set back. (Maybe that offered the replacement a cue to do likewise.)
The Development Proposal sign is now up on site. Proposal also includes 173-175 Eglinton Ave East that means say goodbye to the Mintbar and the Unicorn.

Bye Bye - Mint and the Unicorn

As a owner in the SoHo building, I can only say --- FINALLY and ALLELUIA ---

I understand that the 161 Eglinton Ave E might have some heritage significance, and I would be all for it to be completely renovated, but that black building is more of an eye soar for someone who looks at it everyday.

As for its neighbor, while the Unicorn is rather nice, the upstairs Mint is only bringing, noise, puke, piss and crazy people. You should all have seen what 20 japanese sports bike do at 1 and then 3 am on Eglinton at high Rev!!!!! Wakes you up big time!

A nice residential/residential mix will bring some greens, and some proud people who will take of their area, as opposed to the current 161, 173 tenants who are there for money and absolutely not for the area.

Hope its gets all approve. With the Madison, it will reshape this ugly (or at least without personallity) area of Eglinton.

For those who are hoping for additional (or replacement) or office space, I am with you. It would be quite awesome if they would actually propose more of a mix building with both residential and office in addition to commercial. As for setbacks, keep them where they are.
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Here we go

Proposal for Site Plan Approval for a mixed use building with retail and residential above - 34 stories - 443 residential units (88 bachelor units, 279 one-bedroom and 76 two-bedroom units), - 191parking spaces at 4 levels below grade parking - 333 bicycle parking spaces
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---

Type Number Date Submitted Status

Site Plan Approval 13 281561 STE 22 SA Dec 27, 2013 Under Review
The office building is actually a pretty nice building.

I'd prefer to see other lots be developed (like Art Shoppe) than having this office building destroyed.
