There was suppose to be a lot of retail in the base of these buildings right ? Is that still going ahead.

Well according to the applications that have been submitted for the two new remaining phases, it looks like there will be an abundance of retail.... unlike the previous phases of CityPlace.:)

Quartz is the first phase onto the market from these two blocks. Planning applications have now been submitted:

A site plan application has been submitted for the Quartz Block 22 project - An application for 2 new towers (38 and 42 Stories). Mixed use buildings containing retail at grade - 943 residential units - 614 parking spaces - 709 bicycle parking space. 3 levels below grade parking garage.

Rezoning application for both Blocks 33 and 37 has also been submitted for 5 mixed use buildings containing commercial at ground floor and residential units above. The Block 37 component of the Railway lands west ncludes 3 new buildings (29, 18 and 8 storey buildings), Mixed use residential with ground floor retail with a total of 563 residential units, 4 levels below grade parking with 439 parkings spaces and 434 bicycle parking spaces.
Well according to the applications that have been submitted for the two new remaining phases, it looks like there will be an abundance of retail.... unlike the previous phases of CityPlace.:)
It's about time! Single zoned neighbourhoods in downtown Toronto, are just wrong. The more animation, the better.

Well to be fair cityplace does have some retail :).

Also, in the past I used to conform to the theory every building should have retail in the podium, over the years I've come to realize this isn't the way. It's better to have more concentrated retail on main streets verse retail in very podium.

One of the largest arguments against condo retail is the small size of the units. I need to take pictures but have any of you seen tridels development on Yonge in NYCC (grand triumph or the like) anyway it has retail units fronting Yonge all the way up along. At first they seemed like they're were too small to have anything interesting but it seems like there are knock out panels. There are 3/4 restaurants on this strip now in this new retail block (they're not large, but small / medium sized) so it can work really well.
Here is future aerial view (marketing the L.D.Condo) that i found on the Context site regarding the above post. It clearly shows new development tucked in that location, it also shows the rail barrier wall extended all the way to Bathurst street which was discussed in another thread and uncertain to be built.


Where in that render/picture would the Signature Tower be?
I love the look of the train artery running through the city: bold and defined, and an authentic intact historical reminder of the reason for Toronto's original rise to prominance.

I have to agree, and still to this day, I LOVE seeing a GO Train zoom by the GDNR!
That controversial proposal is discussed in multiple threads in the Transportation forum, but you might give this one a read first.

This is the first time I've seen this and it actually doesn't seem that insane.

Its not, its just that Toronto is not ready for anything like that..Hey, this is a cluttered city of wooden utility poles, overhead wires, and an ancient diesel-driven train system.. figure it out.:(
Hey, this is a cluttered city of wooden utility poles, overhead wires

Hey...I like the wood. It's a natural product, doesn't need to be painted, and ages nicely. And all that rusty staple action down at eye level makes for interesting unintentional street art. want to bury it all. many thousands of miles of utility lines does Toronto have? And at a cost of aprox. $1 million per mile to bury, that comes to aprox. how many $billions?

And I'll bet you're already one of those people who bitch about your utility bills (assuming you're old enough to be on your own and paying utility bills).
^^^ great post and I got a good laugh out of that last line... however I do tend to agree with the bury the wires crowd from an aesthetic point of view. It doesnt have to be the whole system, just the downtown core really. Dont worry we'll still have light poles and mailboxes for the bill posters.
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Well according to the applications that have been submitted for the two new remaining phases, it looks like there will be an abundance of retail.... unlike the previous phases of CityPlace.:)

I attended a meeting with Councillor Vaughan who discussed the future phases, and he says they will be more retail heavy than the existing CityPlace buildings. The retail centre of the neighbourhood is going to be on the Bathurst Street side. The podiums of the buildings to the west will not be large in order to provide more mid-block connections.
