Who's to say that this development will decrease his quality of life? It might be a surprise to some, but some people who live downtown actually enjoy seeing development and intensification, even if it goes up right next door to them, myself included.

Agree with you. Densification is a good thing, and I want more highrise condos shooting up nearby. In the long term, quality of life goes up in a denser neighhourhood.
There are double glass windows. Close them and you hardly hear anything. Rich/Yonge will be built near where I live and I can't wait for construction to start. Of course there will be noise but it is not like this 24/7.
We should just stop petty complaints and let the city grow.
Crane Installation has started. It looks like there will be two cranes installed on the site based on the visible concrete foundation pads. The northern crane is partially installed. Will see how quickly they get them in.

They already have the northern crane (nearest King) up - or almost. The southern one (at Front & Berkeley has its base all ready so I guess it's going up next - and soon.
Yes they are. More photos coming on the front page Monday


This thing looks pretty tacky. The rendering does at least. I'm sure the building will look a lot more dull and drab.

I predict that this will be looked upon in the future as a mistake.
This thing looks pretty tacky. The rendering does at least. I'm sure the building will look a lot more dull and drab.

I predict that this will be looked upon in the future as a mistake.

"I can't believe they took a surface level parking lot and built a fifteen story office building" said no one ever.
"I can't believe they took a surface level parking lot and built a fifteen story office building" said no one ever.

Well, Rob Ford might say it. War on the car 'n all. Personally I welcome this to the neighbourhood, and would like to see more of the surface parking lots developed into useful buildings! The design isn't half bad either. I've seen much more dull and drab buildings than this!
This thing looks pretty tacky. The rendering does at least. I'm sure the building will look a lot more dull and drab.

I predict that this will be looked upon in the future as a mistake.
I think the general opinion is that it is a pretty decent addition to the neighbourhood. I think you need to explain your contrary views.
This thing looks pretty tacky. The rendering does at least. I'm sure the building will look a lot more dull and drab.

I predict that this will be looked upon in the future as a mistake.

I completely agree. It looks incredibly banal to me, being *yet another* bunch of glass boxes in an endless sea of glass buildings built recently. Nothing looks more perfunctory to me than an entire structure coated in glass. Maybe the all-glass aesthetic was impressive in the '50s, but now it's just architectural laziness.
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I completely agree. It looks incredibly banal to me, being *yet another* bunch of glass boxes in an endless sea of glass buildings built recently. Nothing looks more perfunctory to me than an entire structure coated in glass. Maybe the all-glass aesthetic was impressive in the '50s, but now it's just architectural laziness.

I wonder if they said the same kind of things about the now-loved Victorian houses when they were the only style of house being built all over the city.

I find many people never have anything good to say about any projects in this city. A quick look at many people's history shows pages and pages of negative comments. I'm glad I don't live somewhere that I hate where everything is going architecturally. Life is too short for chronic negativity! Not every building can be world class, but buildings and growth are ALWAYS better than surface parking lots in my opinion.
