Not too crazy about that random single inset balcony, but otherwise looking pretty good!
I make it 45 storeys plus the equivalent of 2 storeys for the roof element.

At 4m per storey (minimum expected office floor-to-floor height) that's 188m in height to the architectural top. To reach 200m, the average floor-to-floor height would need to be 4.255m, which is still quite reasonable for an office building.

The linked webpage also states a 22,000 square foot floorplate, for a total available area of 944,000 square feet. Old information?
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Interesting but pretty underwhelming at-grade. Who knows how preliminary or finalized this is though. I'd bet more on the former.
I make it 45 storeys plus the equivalent of 2 storeys for the roof element.

At 4m per storey (minimum expected office floor-to-floor height) that's 188m in height to the architectural top. To reach 200m, the average floor-to-floor height would need to be 4.255m, which is still quite reasonable for an office building.

Yeah maybe, with EY Tower being (40s/188m), and BAC-2 being (44s/196m with its flat top), i thought this just might sneak over 200m
I make it 45 storeys plus the equivalent of 2 storeys for the roof element.

At 4m per storey (minimum expected office floor-to-floor height) that's 188m in height to the architectural top. To reach 200m, the average floor-to-floor height would need to be 4.255m, which is still quite reasonable for an office building.

The linked webpage also states a 22,000 square foot floorplate, for a total available area of 944,000 square feet. Old information?

4 metres is on the high side. 4.25 is exceptionally high.
4 meters would be absurd for a residential building, most are 2.9-3.1 meters.

If you want a comparison, 45 Bay will have 4.3 meter floorplates.
In context at 205 meters:

Good grief, that looks oppressivly mundane. I dont for a second wish this to be built as is shown. I certainly hope that is a preliminary rendering and there had best be some granular shops at street level on the Bay or Harbour sides to add some reason to be on the street here.
For an office building? It would be on the high side for a residential building, but not an office building.

4 metres is about 13 feet. Standard T-bar height is 9 feet. Only the best of the best have slab heights extending above 12 feet.

Residential is a standard 3 metres for the last few years. Before that, 2.7 metres was the norm.
Apologies if this has been brought up before, but what will they do with the heritage Port Authority building that is currently on the site?
Apologies if this has been brought up before, but what will they do with the heritage Port Authority building that is currently on the site?

It will be preserved with an enhanced public realm. That's from what I've read, anyways. I'm curious to see the Harbour St side of this, because right now I don't like how abrupt it meets the street on Bay.
