I'm clear on Tuesday night, I should be able to make this and report back.
Got the meeting notice for this project today. October 11, 7 - 9 pm at 519 Church.

Was this organized by Krystn Wong Tam? I can't find anything on her site. I'm asking since I'd like to get emails about community meetings but never got anything about this one.

Was this organized by Krystn Wong Tam? I can't find anything on her site. I'm asking since I'd like to get emails about community meetings but never got anything about this one.

I don't think so...I got a notice sometime ago too and I'm pretty sure it came from the City.
I don't think so...I got a notice sometime ago too and I'm pretty sure it came from the City.

yup the city organizes these meetings. dt_toronto_geek, please let us know what the turn out is like tonight, as i am interested to see if residents come out for uncontroversial proposals such as this one or whether they reserve their bullets for the hairier ones a la 501 Yonge. speaking of which does anyone know when the 501 meeting is?
I'm hearing a lot of grumblings over this project on a neighbourhood board that I follow, so we'll see. I'm all for this, it will have minimal impact on Gloucester Street however the loss of Fly nightclub is a shame though Councillor Wong-Tam has indicated she'd work with Fly management to locate a local space to replace the neighbourhood dance club.
No word on the 501 Yonge project, that meeting should be a blast. There's a website up for that proposal - http://501yonge.ca/
I'm hearing a lot of grumblings over this project on a neighbourhood board that I follow, so we'll see. I'm all for this, it will have minimal impact on Gloucester Street however the loss of Fly nightclub is a shame though Councillor Wong-Tam has indicated she'd work with Fly management to locate a local space to replace the neighbourhood dance club.
No word on the 501 Yonge project, that meeting should be a blast. There's a website up for that proposal - http://501yonge.ca/

Nice! thanks for the website dt_toronto. what's the other neighboudhood board that you follow btw? is it online as well like the 501 yonge one?
I was there last night and believe that the residents have legitimate concerns regarding density and intensification and heritiage preservation. No one is against development and change, but change has to enhance and contribute to the community and I don't see how this does it, To me its yet another glass box built around heritage buildings without any context. How does that preserve heritage? Further it is great to intensify, but if we don't expand services to go along with the intensification, it is a recipe for disaster. Our subways are already at over capacity and overstressed. Our streets and sidewalks are full of ruts and potholes. The one little partkette will be in shadows (and there are no significant park areas in Church/Wellesley). The lack of diversification in the units is an issue - vast majority bachelors and 1 bedrooms, only a handful of two bedrooms - clearly geared for investors to rent out. How about building buildings where people will grow and stay in the long term? I think the loss of patios and restaurants is important one too - that does add vibrancy to the streets patios are usually critical to restuarant success in the summer. What kind of retail is to be there in the new building? Yet another starbucks? We are under seige by delevelopers and we have a right to fight back and express our vision of our community.
I don't know what to say
....seems like the Nicholas Condo development down the street all over again.
I was there too.
There was a sense that the residents in the area are not only concerned about development but also the deteriorating quality of life in their neighborhood.
Many of the residents wanted the Section 37 funds to be dedicated to their community, as the area is lacking in public amenities, social services, modern infrastructure and an outdated transit system.
Looking at the plans and renderings, it looks like the amount of street side retail patios are maintained, with the cottage by laneway being used as some kind of cafe or restaurant. I don't think, or hope, it will be a Starbucks as it doesn't have the prime Yonge Street frontage.
There was priase for providing minimal car parking and doubling the amount of bicycle parking required, interestingly enough one gentleman remarked that it wouldn't do much when we have a mayor who is anti-bicycles. A good amount of time was discussing about transit and traffic which wasn't necessarily directed at this development.There was a good mix of supporters and critics of this development and it was my first time attending one of these meetings and was expecting a room full of NIMBY'ers, so it was interesting experience hearing the variety of comments and views. Sounds like there is a lot more to be developed in the building design so I look forward to see how this building evolves.

After this meeting, I am looking forward to attending the meeting for 501 Yonge Street. It will surely be a different environment.
It was nice to see good group of caring neighbours.
I don't know what to say
....seems like the Nicholas Condo development down the street all over again.

i don't think so Automation. with Nicholas, heritage preservation (or lack thereof) and neighbourhood shadowing issues were greater. i popped in halfway through pontarini's presentation last night and can confirm that metroTO provided a good summary of the meeting. I've been to my fair share of these and this one was about as tame as they come. there's work to be done yet by the developer but it's difficult to dispute the fact that real thought has put into it, and i think this was evident in the 50/50 split in comments. even the NIMBYs seemed more reserved in their onslaught.

501 will be different because it is absurd. if someone could let us know when the meeting is that would be great.
