I'm not sure exactly what your opinion is - that culturally specific places shouldn't exist? Gay bars are not segregated spaces. Anyone can go. I gather you have never been to one, which would explain your ignorance. Your statement is as logical as saying Japanese restaurants shouldn't exist because they only serve Japanese people.
Not just that, but there would be much fewer Thai restaurants if there were such a policy. Toronto currently has more Thai restaurants than there are Thai people. Good thing restaurants don't segregate by ethnicity or sexual orientation. Even Chick-fil-A, though its owner is openly homophobic, is open to LGBT people (and even has a few loyal LGBT patrons) and has LGBT employees.
…because your gay friends moved away, there's no more need for gay clubs anymore? There is still a community in the area. People younger than your aging friends do exist.


Is that seriously what you got from my post?!? I asked if it is related to development pressures forcing these places to close or related to many community members still disparaged but, no longer fearing for their life. (clearly not all within members LGBTQ community have that freedom either) Technology has certainly influenced all of us in how we meet people and engage our communities. I also used my friends as another example as there being a lesser need for gay bars and club so closures are going to happen. IF that is the case than, this is a nostalgic reaction more than a concern that everything is going to disappear I don't know enough which is why I asked and instead, got the usual emotionally charge response that only thinks in absolutes.
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Even if people are often meeting through different means now, online initially now, they typically agree to meet in person for the first time somewhere they'll feel comfortable. Not every gay couple is going to head for Church Street or other scattered businesses that identify as catering specifically to LGTBQ+ clientele, but lots of queer couples will. It is development pressure that is closing these places and which triggered the first post about this. Like most businesses, those serving the LGBTQ+ community are in leased premises, and when the building owners either sell to a developer or redevelop on their own, whoever is facing the sidewalk is gone. You framed this in a way that indicated you were wondering whether—as your older, established gay friends had moved out of the neighbourhood—maybe therefore the whole community was going and there was a corresponding drop in demand for such businesses. That seemed a tad ludicrous and still does.

July 26, 2020

Not looking so fly right now.

