Same reason the majority of cars are black, gray, or silver. Resale. The prevailing belief is that folks won't want to buy into 'the red building' or 'the colourful building'. So we get this dreary, monochromatic, world. It sucks, but that's why.
I'm not sure I buy that prevailing it seems up there with certain floor numbers should not be included because it brings bad luck. So that doesn't pass the balderdash detector for me...

...although, you did elude to a more simpler and likely explanation before. That is, grey materials are just cheaper to buy. Hence, it's really about value engineering here.
Just a couple, taken March 18th, 2023:


I'm not sure I buy that prevailing it seems up there with certain floor numbers should not be included because it brings bad luck. So that doesn't pass the balderdash detector for me...
Are you saying you don't believe that floor numbers are skipped because of their being equated with bad luck? Or are you saying that no colour is because gray is simply cheaper, and not because of potential sales / resales? Definitely the association with bad luck is real for some customers… but at the same time, there are definitely developers in this city who are scared to use colour, afraid it will scare off some customers. Whether that's warranted or not is unproven, I'd say… but yes, at the same time, gray is generally cheaper, and helps the gutless and uninterested types to make decisions.

