July 16/11


Walked by today. They're working on the 1st floor. Couple walls and pillars are up already. Looks like they're also finally excavating the East side.

Question, is the 1st floor 2 storeys or 1? Hard to tell from the rendering.

I need to buy a camera.
The first floor will be one, uh, storey. (with the possibility of a mezzanine structure within the first storey volume)

The floor-to-floor height of the first level will be 6.675m (22'). This info is from the rezoning application drawings dated Oct '08 and which appear to be the most recent version.
Feast your eyes on them here is you haven't found them already: http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2008/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-11649.pdf

It appears Brad Lamb doesn't mess around when it comes to making good urban buildings.
Yea, sorry, I didn't mean 2 actual storeys....just wanted to know if the 1st floor is twice the height of the other floors. I can't articulate exactly what I mean...LOL I feel dumb. Anyways, you have answered my question. Thanks!
Thanks for the pics, boomix. Once the East side gets up to ground level, this thing should move quickly. It truly is a tiny floorplate.

Any news on who's going to occupy the Studio B space in the building next door?
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Now that things are moving along, does anyone know whether the March 2012 occupancy date will remain? Something tells me it will be delayed AGAIN!
Now that things are moving along, does anyone know whether the March 2012 occupancy date will remain? Something tells me it will be delayed AGAIN!

I don't think it's possible to go from ground level to occupancy in 7 months. East Lofts which is about the same size took 12 - 14 months to get from ground level to occupancy. I'd say occupancy next fall.
