From this morning

I can't believe that no one stopped that dead in its tracks before committing money to it. Who (as in the person designing it) would approve such a thing?

Do I also detect some broken branches on those trees in those pictures?
I can't believe that no one stopped that dead in its tracks before committing money to it. Who (as in the person designing it) would approve such a thing?

Do I also detect some broken branches on those trees in those pictures?
Yes, and they looked quite dry last week - I suspect the developer did not turn on the irrigation system he was obligated to install. I understand that the City monitors trees that developers are obliged to plant for 2 years and gets them replanted when they die but I suspect many inspections never happen. Residents of the building should keep an eye on them and report problems to 311!
He who screws up pays - that would be the developer. They were installing metal plates earlier today but I have not yet seen the final situation.

The metal plates apparently did not work out and today they have been sawing the concrete and installed new, lower and better concrete pit covers that are pretty much level to the sidewalk. Certainly not too classy but probably in line with the design and execution of the whole building - it has always struck me as offering the minimum required and not a drop more and these streetscape details are in line with that 'philosophy'.
Too bad about the metal plates. They added them at King and Sherbourne when they put in the bike lanes and they look great. They should use those across the city.
^ yes but you have to assume that the city approves all streetscape plans. I don't think developers have carte blanche to do whatever they want with city sidewalks.
Someone at city hall had to approve this mess.

What the city approves and what the contractor subsequently does can be two very different things.
You'd think Lamb would be on an upward trajectory architecturally, but this ones a bit of a mess. Flatiron / Work Lofts prior and Theatre Park after are (or likely will be) excellent. Yet this one is just meh.
You'd think Lamb would be on an upward trajectory architecturally, but this ones a bit of a mess. Flatiron / Work Lofts prior and Theatre Park after are (or likely will be) excellent. Yet this one is just meh.

Hard to disagree with the bolded. I will say that Flatiron and Work lofts are "meh" too. Looks good from afar, but up close there's a lack of attention to detail IMO. I think it has more to do with the construction company than Lamb. Theater Park should look amazing. I just hope it doesn't get hit with the "cheapening" but I don't see that happening. Too much is riding on this project to let it fall off.
I have friends in Flatiron/Work Lofts and it ain't so "meh" at all. They are pretty happy with how it turned out as best as I know. If The King East were up to its quality standard, you'd be a lot happier.

I have friends in Flatiron/Work Lofts and it ain't so "meh" at all. They are pretty happy with how it turned out as best as I know. If The King East were up to its quality standard, you'd be a lot happier.


I have heard differently but you are right about the quality standard.
