Saw the notice on my way to work this morning - I live in the Liberties. Unfortunately I did not have a camera. The rendering is absolutely horrid. It looks as though 3 completely separate towers have been stacked on top of one another. Extremely boxy. Not the kind of neighbour I'm willing to welcome.
then we can correct the wrong that was done to the clock tower vista when those horrid RoCP towers were erected.

Burano is also now peeking out behind old City Hall.
Saw the notice on my way to work this morning - I live in the Liberties. Unfortunately I did not have a camera. The rendering is absolutely horrid. It looks as though 3 completely separate towers have been stacked on top of one another. Extremely boxy. Not the kind of neighbour I'm willing to welcome.

3 Towers on that lot? Wouldn't it become too crowded?

Is it just a bad line drawing? Some of the design suggests a round building to me, in which case this makes more sense.

High-larious! Takes some serious cheek to propose that.

Just watch, the renderings will bowl us over.

(Meanwhile, the vista of Old City Hall's clock tower is screwed.)

It looks like something they'd build in Rotterdam. Personally I thought it would be more handsome if they stuck to the design on the lower 1/3 - and sort of a spiraling indentation pattern.

now THIS is a piecemeal design indeed ... eeeeks ~
That is friggen brutal. Makes the Liberties appear easy on the eyes. I wonder if maybe the cladding will be something that might improve the concepts appearance at all - if it were all colored glass it could be striking. There has to be a reason for this other than making it easy for tourists to find the Delta...
