Rental is great, design could be interesting..... retail????

That will not do, I don't want a building facing Bay and Gerrard w/something street-deadening at grade.

The planners have some other issues as well, including view-corridor.

Including Bixi spaces is interesting.....

The city documented mentioned retail at grade at least 4 times in the first 2 pages.
The elevations are showing some positive evolution since that first one was released. Could be a pretty fun addition to the skyline. I'm looking forward to the renderings.
The city documented mentioned retail at grade at least 4 times in the first 2 pages.

My Bad.... :eek:

I was looking at the 'Issues to be Resolved' section and it mentioned 'no commercial space'

I wasn't realizing they meant office as opposed to retail.


Though, if I'm reading it properly now (hopefully) ....I get 6,000sqft retail roughly.

Is this site smaller than I remember, or is that a reasonable number?
I wouldn't be too quick to suggest that this building will fly through the approvals process. There are MANY outstanding issues which the City is going to want to discuss.
Good question, ProjectEnd. I will respond with another question for you. Where, in that quote, do you see anything written about accepting development for the sake of development, regardless of the potential negative impacts on the existing built environment and residential population with respect to access to sky views, sunlight penetration, wind conditions, micro-climate conditions, etc? What about respect for the established policy context or the established planning and design framework which establishes clear directions for tower design which this proposal does not adequately attempt to conform to? Are these policy documents, performance standards, design guidelines, and other recommendations NOT the "big plans" that we seek to create? That, sir, is why I reiterate it.
Good question, ProjectEnd. I will respond with another question for you. Where, in that quote, do you see anything written about accepting development for the sake of development, regardless of the potential negative impacts on the existing built environment and residential population with respect to access to sky views, sunlight penetration, wind conditions, micro-climate conditions, etc? What about respect for the established policy context or the established planning and design framework which establishes clear directions for tower design which this proposal does not adequately attempt to conform to? Are these policy documents, performance standards, design guidelines, and other recommendations NOT the "big plans" that we seek to create? That, sir, is why I reiterate it.

Someday website LEED certifications will require posts like the one above to be deleted since an entire paragraph was copied just for the purpose of saying "boom". That paragraph will be saved twice in all eternity on energy sucking, coal burning servers somewhere. I assume about 99% of web content is this sort of stuff.
Someday website LEED certifications will require posts like the one above to be deleted since an entire paragraph was copied just for the purpose of saying "boom". That paragraph will be saved twice in all eternity on energy sucking, coal burning servers somewhere. I assume about 99% of web content is this sort of stuff.

amazing! really though, let's be honest, it wouldn't have been the same without the "boom" exclamation at the end.
Glad to be of service. I will be here all evening.
What the? A brown-out? Why are my lights flickering?

For example, every identical image of Snookie should just be a link to the original image.

Think how our carbon foorprint would be reduced all 16,245,908 posted images of her vomiting at the curb were rationalized to one link?
Community meeting on Monday, November 28, 2011. 6-7 pm Open House, 7-9 pm community meeting. City Hall, 100 QW, Committee Room Two.

I won't be able to attend, busy on Monday night. Hopefully someone can go and check out the meeting. Maybe the colour renderings will be revealed to the public.
