Nope... I haven't heard a peep from them... It does seem typical of developers to be delayed and non-communicative...
Drove by today...there's a backhoe and porta-potty on site, but doesn't look like any digging has actually started yet.
LOL.. oh. Well I guess its a good thing that I'm not building anything!

Hey... Maybe they accidentally filed for a porta-potty hole digging permit and confused the city reviewer!
As per the website looks like the shoring permit was issued today... Woot?
Yeah.. thats for sure. Crossing fingers we see some progress. Can they actually start digging now? Winter is coming, can they actually pour concrete over the next couple of months?
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Concrete doesn't freeze easily when being poured in large quantities, and winters in Toronto really aren't that cold compared to the rest of the country. I watched the new 9 story building across from my current place be excavated and built during the winter of 2008 and they didn't seem to have a problem at all. That building seemed to have about 1 floor per 1-2 weeks have the concrete poured and smoothed.
FYI, during winter they run temporary gas up the building under the formwork, connect gas heaters, tarp everything in and keep the heat blasting all night. BEfore they fly the formwork to the next level the gas lines and heaters get disconnected, the tarps are opened up and they move everything up with the fly forms and repeat this all winter. Its a pain but it has to be done or else the concrete will freeze, the heat also speeds up the curing process of the concrete so they can achive the desired streght faster in order to strip the formwork and move up to the next floor. They also use chemicals in the concrete mix design to help the concrete cure faster, especailly on those minuts 10 or lower nights. Somtimes when the over night temp is too low with the wind chill factor they dont pour any concrete, somtimes its too risky, even with the heat and chemicals the slab may freeze.
Wow this is impressive! How do you all know all this stuff? Here is another question: How long does it take to build a building like this?
