A friend of mine walked by the site and apparently they are installing the steel pole things into the ground. Looks like the digging has started. Woot!
The Suzuki dealership just south of the Ninety is now barren. Houses right beside the dealership have also been sold and have been vacant for the past couple of years. I smell great potential for development :)
I think its been in the works for sometime, just hope it doesn't extend too north, and develop too tall that would block my view!

The Suzuki dealership just south of the Ninety is now barren. Houses right beside the dealership have also been sold and have been vacant for the past couple of years. I smell great potential for development :)
Hopefully developments will be subject to height restrictions and set backs that won't disrupt things too much....
Permits on toronto website say
-21 Broadview Application is for a new lexus dealership
-35 Broadview is for 2 story sfd townhouse
-37 Broadview is for 2 story sfd townhouse
Permits on toronto website say
-21 Broadview Application is for a new lexus dealership
-35 Broadview is for 2 story sfd townhouse
-37 Broadview is for 2 story sfd townhouse

only 2 x 2s SFHs ??? what a waste ... it looks like 10 houses are boarded up and could be razed.
a nice 9 - 10 s building complementing The Ninety and Broadview Lofts would be ideal.
I just noticed they redid the 'Photo Gallery' page of the website, and placed 3 construction update photos there (none at the purchaser login). But the most recent picture seems to be about mid Oct.
Looks like they put the photo gallery back as it originally was, and the construction photo are now in the password protected area along with a "coming soon" live webcam link! Yay! :)
I went by the site yesterday to take some pictures. Flurry of activity...dump trucks rolling out constantly with loads of dirt. Anyone have any predictions about the completion date? We were recently told two years by an agent, but this was just a guess based on real estate experience. Am I being naive hoping for spring 2012?
I heard spring 2012 from an agent. Sounded reasonable.... Lets hope for a no surprise excavation... From what I understand the excavation and foundation are where most delays happen...
When the date got pushed to Nov 2011 but construction didn't really start until October...well, I expect to get another letter soon saying that the date is being pushed to Spring 2012. Personally, I never thought I'd be in before Christmas, but its not necessarily a bad thing - moving in the winter isn't fun anyways!
