Expecting people to take transit without offering the infrastructure and built form is 'cart before horse' thinking. If it makes sense people will do it. Why wouldn't they? In the meantime we still live in an enormously car-centric society and it makes more sense for far more people to use a car to get around efficiently. Punishing people (i.e. taking away parking etc) is not an effective way to change behaviour. Instead we need to offer incentives, i.e. more transit lines, better connectivity, more efficient services, more dense but liveable housing along transit lines etc. When transit makes sense people will use it, and gladly. This is the situation in Europe already. It is not the situation in the GTHA.
As a society we do need to commit to improved transit, it is the responsible and sustainable thing to do. Our governments need to commit to it first first though with real funding and infrastructure. Unfortunately just a cursory read of the transit threads on this site is enough to depress anybody about the lack of leadership on this issue. Improvements, yes. Still a long long way to go. In the meantime, beating people over the head cause they drive somewhere is ignorant and counterproductive.