“He builds a quality building and he’s a gentleman and there’s no fuzz on the thing,” said Stollerys president and chief executive offi[cer Ed Whaley. “It’s a straight deal: cash and that’s the end of it. No game playing.”
It’s quite a coup for 43-year-old Mizrahi, who has named the future project “The One.”
“It came down to what was in the best interest of no longer just themselves, but what would be in the best interest of the city and the community and who would take on that moral responsibility going forward,” he said of his nearly 11-month negotiations with the store’s owners. “It was very important and it was the basis of one the reasons of the sale that those values were preserved.
“We are developers that look at collaborating with the city, collaborating with the community, collaborating with all stakeholders in order to create something that’s going to be a gift back to the city.”