Plenty of wealthy people in Toronto who could afford the prices this tower will command. I'm not terribly worried. Nor do I think this is very risky; it is, after all, one of the premier intersections in the city, right on top of a major transit hub. What's risky about that? The market for luxury condos is already a demonstrable fact.
I con't understand how owning a lot at young and bloor could be risky. It's probably one of the safest bets in the city.
Plenty of wealthy people in Toronto who could afford the prices this tower will command. I'm not terribly worried. Nor do I think this is very risky; it is, after all, one of the premier intersections in the city, right on top of a major transit hub. What's risky about that? The market for luxury condos is already a demonstrable fact.

I'm also in the 'plenty of wealthy people' camp. A premiere location in a city that ranks on most top 5 lists globally for many years? Today's article in the news section supports that..
It's just a matter of time before that scotia bites the dust. This is going to make a nice nighttime icon on the skyline... Much sexier than Aura's chintzy swoop.
Agreed. Storeys are easier to digest than metres. They make it easier to estimate the height of a building.
How does having the actual height of a building make it more difficult to estimate the height of a building? Huh.
Plenty of wealthy people in Toronto who could afford the prices this tower will command. I'm not terribly worried. Nor do I think this is very risky; it is, after all, one of the premier intersections in the city, right on top of a major transit hub. What's risky about that? The market for luxury condos is already a demonstrable fact.

Sure there are many people can afford a high end product. They just are choosing not to buy. Sales figures don't lie.
And what goes up must come down. Yes, there are cycles to the market. That applies doubly to a place like Toronto, which has enjoyed superheated, unprecedented growth over the last several years. But I still think that One Bloor will be a prestige address and I expect that sales will be, if not "brisk, " certainly strong enough to get the thing going. Will it be finished without delays? Who knows. Could be a Chicago Spire kinda thing - a big hole in the ground into which all sorts of marvellous expectations plummeted. But again, I doubt it. I guess time will tell.
The location can charge a premuim. The number of units proposed suggest something closer in range to what goes now than a true high end project.

It's a lot more involved to get a project going than just presales figures. Those are just confidence builders. Still need to prove to capital investors it's worth putting twice as much for twice as long into a 70 storey residential tower.

Let's hope this isn't a Chicago Spire. The tower had no chance the day it was proposed. We already have that with Mirvish/Gehry.
The top of Aura is sleek. It's the hodgepodge carbuncles of blocky grief that occupy the bottom two thirds of the tower which fatally compromises the structure as a whole.

I would dial the kudos a notch down - the top of Aura is merely acceptable for what is a condo building.

Hey, AoD: I disagree. It's a nice top... great curves and arcs arranged in opposition, and a lovely lighting scheme. As for a "condo building," you seem to be implying that the aesthetic standards for them are innately lower?
Let's hope this isn't a Chicago Spire. The tower had no chance the day it was proposed. We already have that with Mirvish/Gehry.
Nah, I just don't think the process is going fast enough for you. Patience is required for projects of this scale - something often in short supply here at UT.
