The current version looks like a condo.. hence my disappointment.

Not only that, but especially after Mizrahi's initial talk about how iconic the One was going to be. I dunno, I'm not really feeling it. I almost feel like it has too much going on.
Not only that, but especially after Mizrahi's initial talk about how iconic the One was going to be. I dunno, I'm not really feeling it. I almost feel like it has too much going on.
That diamond pattern would look better with the original diagrid going across it to break it up a little. Currently, it feels overwhelming.
It looked powerful because it was tall, girthy and looked like an office building.

The current version looks like a condo.. hence my disappointment.

Agreed 100% That's been my only issue with 1BE: it's looks way too residential, like it should be located in Humber Bay Shores or at least on the lake. I'm hoping that The One doesn't get watered down so much. It needs to have a strong, corporate office tower look here to dominate and in more ways than merely height alone. If this is going to get approved with this version then great...but if it's going to get worse and worse then I will be very disappointed too.
Agreed 100% That's been my only issue with 1BE: it's looks way too residential, like it should be located in Humber Bay Shores or at least on the lake. I'm hoping that The One doesn't get watered down so much. It needs to have a strong, corporate office tower look here to dominate and in more ways than merely height alone. If this is going to get approved with this version then great...but if it's going to get worse and worse then I will be very disappointed too.
I'm just really disappointed... The original iteration was basically a big, phallic FU to anchor the northern end of the skyline. A perfect counterpoint to First Canadian Place both in height and size.

Then there's my biggest disappointment, the ground level. The original continued that big city language right into the sidewalk with massive support columns merging into the ground. Then comes the city, and some councillors who continue to meddle with anything 'too' bold that comes along who suddenly insist a bunch of second rate historical facades are suddenly worth sacrificing a really powerful statement at the city's primary intersection. The current design seems unresolved and compromisey.

Those facades are like barnacles on a ship. Facadism works with our banal aA/P+S/etc architecture, but a Foster deserves a clean slate - especially when diagrids are involved.
Agreed 100% That's been my only issue with 1BE: it's looks way too residential, like it should be located in Humber Bay Shores or at least on the lake.
1 Bloor East is too good for Humber Bay. It would stick out for being far too too unique among the other generic condos around there.

The One is a striking development, that would really stand out from every other building in the city. It has several unique design features and Mizrahi is one of a few developers who is trying to do something different. The only concern I have is with the city, who may try to screw with the design to make it more bland and resemble the rest of the neighborhood.
I agree its looking pretty good. It has a rich feel to it with the honey comb window look for the podium. And there's a lot of trim and contour to the building. It's not just another square blue looking box that Toronto is famous for. We need a variety of colours for buildings. There's too many buildings with the blue green look. One Yonge and Mirvish & Gehry buildings had warm tone colours for the facade then changed to black and white. I hope this is the final rendering. Not too much tweaking to be done here looks great!
They really seem to want that 2018 retail opening date. If they are willing to sacrifice that many underground parking levels to keep with a date i imagine they must have a specific tenant in mind. I hope this gets approval before the date gets pushed back and whoever the interested retain tenant is doesn't back out. Who know what would happen then.

Also the granny sweater honey comb scales are kinda growing on me.
It's not just another square blue looking box that Toronto is famous for. We need a variety of colours for buildings. There's too many buildings with the blue green look.

While I agree, I think they've been going with the wrong colors from the beginning with this building. Too warm, washed out, in my opinion.
Seeing the iterations of the design one after the other, the original brown/bronze exo-skeleton looks fantastic and commanding. I find it disappointing that it's been "watered down" so much. It isn't completely boring, and if we'd seen this latest one only, we'd probly be pretty wowed.
Apparently the diagrid was ENORMOUSLY expensive - so not too surprising it was cut on the second iteration. One would have thought the diagrid $$$ would have been known from the outset. Too bad they teased us with that intial rendering. I'm still relatively pleased with this third iteration...and I see nothing wrong with warm tones in a blue-green glass city.
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Me neither. The accent on warm tones will be one of the many ways this structure will stand out in this city. That said, it's too bad we're losing the diagrid.
my prognostication is that we ain't seen nothing yet with regards to the Yonge/Bloor intersection. I predict a supertall at the NE corner, with the Marriott (now the world's largest hotelier) being significantly involved.

I think you are right, if The One manages to get approved @ 340 meters, i can see another 300-350m bldg. built on the north side
Not only that, but especially after Mizrahi's initial talk about how iconic the One was going to be. I dunno, I'm not really feeling it. I almost feel like it has too much going on.

I'm starting to think that the definition of 'iconic' has changed, in Toronto usage at least.

I'm happy to hear about the new height but I do feel the design vision is being steadily compromised. I'd trash it altogether and go back to the drawing board with a fresh eye.
Me neither. The accent on warm tones will be one of the many ways this structure will stand out in this city.

It will stand out regardless due to its height. I'd be more down with warmer tones if this were a good looking tower.
second rate historical facades .... a Foster deserves a clean slate - especially when diagrids are involved.

I couldn't disagree more. The facade is not "second rate" in the least, and the lack of "clean slate" is not the problem here. If Foster + Partners can't figure out how to design a compelling street level portion of this building, despite a historic facade further down on Yonge, then they don't "deserve" much of anything.
