That's fair. I'd rather see it built shorter than not at all.

doesn't mean height lovers like myself can't feel a bit disappointed by such a tease.

300+ is definitely still exciting though
Just saying... I'm done! But thanks for not yelling at me! Just had to get that out. I'm still happy with the design and all
Probably because the vast majority of times it is the city cutting a building down.

I can only remember one development going back to the city to get their project reduced - the Trump tower. I'm not aware of any others.

That's what you think. These settlements involve both sides. Developers shoot for the moon during land use because they can in Toronto. Gravity reigns them back in. Bigger and Taller doesn't mean more $$$.
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That's fair. I'd rather see it built shorter than not at all.

doesn't mean height lovers like myself can't feel a bit disappointed by such a tease.

300+ is definitely still exciting though

Everyone is a little disappointed but, it's just one development. It's not the end of the world. No reason to have hissy fits and inadvertently direct anger towards those that actually supported the project.

To continue off topic. Every city has some sort of shadowing bylaw to protect public spaces from being drowned out by private development. It's a proven model. Why shouldn't Toronto do the same?
Everyone is a little disappointed but, it's just one development. It's not the end of the world. No reason to have hissy fits and inadvertently direct anger towards those that actually supported the project.

To continue off topic. Every city has some sort of shadowing bylaw to protect public spaces from being drowned out by private development. It's a proven model. Why shouldn't Toronto do the same?

Right, but what else is there to do on UT other than incessantly whine about stuff? :p
There's enough to whine about with the condition of our public spaces, the layouts of the homes these people occupy, the condo retail landlords and their policies, etc. without dipping way down the list to our lack of stuper talls.

My guess heighters tend to be GTA tourist and/or daily commuters.
I'm not sure that I am disappointed with this at all.

First, this would still be the tallest building in the city and the country - it's not exactly short!

Second, it will fit in better with the surrounding built form - 341m would have made it so significantly taller as to make it a strange anomaly. It will be more harmonious with 1BE and the significantly shorter towers in the vicinity of the Yonge/Bloor cluster.

What I am concerned about is the architecture - the slim profile was a huge part of The One's initial appeal. Will it now appear stubby? I don't think it will, as it is still taller and narrower than 1BE. But I await the new renders.
Presumably the shadow from a point tower doesn't last forever, so the focus on partial and brief shadowing on the park seems to be a rather extreme rationale for cutting the height.
Understood. My comment was that shadowing alone appeared rather extreme. So yes, there are likely other factors.
The difference of the height reduction on the skyline:


It would seem that shadowing concerns are the reason given for the shorter design. I'm surprised that this has come about. It does deal a blow to the harmony and rhythm of the initial design. That said, i expect it will still be an imposing, impressive structure. But I wish this particular compromise hadn't been deemed necessary.
Presumably the shadow from a point tower doesn't last forever, so the focus on partial and brief shadowing on the park seems to be a rather extreme rationale for cutting the height.

It's never just one tower.
