The problem with those who divulge their insider knowledge is that they soon become outsiders. Information is valuable and people don't want to risk losing their access to it by letting others know what they do.

Gotcha, makes sense, so, why do they tell you?
There is a lot of negativity in this thread, and this site in general sometimes. I admit that I've contributed to it in the past. There's something about the internet that does that to people.

This isn't sim city. Big developments take time. Just because a big proposal doesn't break ground as fast as we would like, doesn't mean it's in peril.
Big developments take time. Just because a big proposal doesn't break ground as fast as we would like, doesn't mean it's in peril.
No it doesn't mean it's in peril, but don't pretend that there is no friction between the city and Mizrahi from the day he demolished Stollerys, who you kidding?
Following the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations between the City and Mizrahi, City Council voted to attend the OMB hearing in support of this proposal. Sounds to me like any sources of friction have been smoothed out.

so... any idea what happened at the OMB today? or are we all eagerly awaiting the decision to be posted... XD
eagerly waiting. With any luck they had a settlement in hand, and it was a quick board hearing to go over it. The decision will probably be posted in a few weeks if that is the case. If it's a full hearing, they probably aren't done yet and will be back tomorrow.
How quickly can they start building once approval is granted? Aren't they ridiculously behind the clock according to Mizrahi's claim that they'd lose their lead tenant (probably Apple) if they didn't start building right away?
