Lots of activity on site today!

Did I miss something . . . do they intend to build the entire 82 stories?
I didn't even know this had gone through sales.
Some have suggested this will be the beginning of top down construction. With the retail levels built above while the underfootings for the tower are constructed underneath.
Did I miss something . . . do they intend to build the entire 82 stories?
I didn't even know this had gone through sales.

The condo section isn't terribly important for financial success of the project; the retail podium is worth a small mint. So, they're building a podium and will try selling condos; if condos sell they'll build the rest of the building and if they don't they'll shrink the condo portion to fit sales.
About 4,000 people put their name on the registration list. There were 416 residential suites in the last version of architectural plans that I have, but that was before the 10 storeys above the podium were switched to hotel use, so I'm not sure how many suites will be available to market. In any case, I'm not concerned about their ability to sell out.

Sorry, I'm not knowledgeable about the topic. If condos in much less desirable locations manage to sell, why are we even discussing whether or not this one might sell?
Sorry, I'm totally knowledgeable about the topic. If condos in much less desirable locations manage to sell, why are we even discussing whether or not this one might sell?
They are hyper luxury units, so the market is more niche than your typical condo. Still, the interest is very strong here.
