Talked to a guy on site today for an update and he said they're putting in a total of 82 shoring piles and then a bunch of filler piles(?). The last bunch of shoring piles are now being put in on the east side of the site along Yonge st. They will then do the filler piles and then excavation which is supossed to start next month.


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Great pics as always.

The snail-pace of this work is edging into insult territory though, and I'm usually accepting that business is business. It's even more unfortunate that this all this faffing about is at the foremost intersection in the country.
Great pics as always.

The snail-pace of this work is edging into insult territory though, and I'm usually accepting that business is business. It's even more unfortunate that this all this faffing about is at the foremost intersection in the country.
You're insulted? Now I've heard everything.
As far as I can tell the reason this is moving slowly is that they appear to be covering the entire site with piles more or less - this takes time. As to *why* they are covering the entire site with piles...
