^ Very true. Not sure why that is exactly? I think we tend to use Diamonds as in CAA 5 Diamond for the best in hotels/restaurants. Either way, Marketing hype on their part.
Bully for him. Incredible project. Wouldn't know the man if he walked up to shake my hand but I'd gladly shake his. Big personalities built this town, and looks as though he's planning on adding his name to the list.
We've had other developers hype a "Michelin star" restaurant located within the building. So far none have actually opened. :rolleyes:
Well, based on the criteria that I think Mizrahi is using (a sibling restaurant to one with a Michelin), we have. Cafe Boloud and Momofuku come to mind, and there are more.
Well, based on the criteria that I think Mizrahi is using (a sibling restaurant to one with a Michelin), we have. Cafe Boloud and Momofuku come to mind, and there are more.
I digress, but having had dinner in a restaurant that actually had a Michelin star, I can say that Café Boulud is not about to get one. The only place that comes close here is Alo. Claiming to have as a tenant a future one-star Michelin is complete bullshit.
Who cares about Michelin? If I need tires I'll give it due consideration. If Michelin stars are your foremost criterion in matters culinary, then maybe Gordon Ramsay will deign to open an eatery here.
^ Very true. Not sure why that is exactly?

Their subscriber base (it's a magazine/book after-all) is still primarily French and cultures that are obsessed with the French (Japanese and a smattering of British). Canada doesn't attract much tourism from France so there isn't much point spending tens of thousands to send/hire reviewers here to rank our restaurants.

If you want Michelin stars in Canada, start buying the magazine.
I digress, but having had dinner in a restaurant that actually had a Michelin star, I can say that Café Boulud is not about to get one. The only place that comes close here is Alo. Claiming to have as a tenant a future one-star Michelin is complete bullshit.

I too have eaten at a Michelin-starred place. But I can name several places in this town that could easily get a Michelin. And despite appearances in North America, Michelin isn't a frou-frou be-all list of ultra-posh fine dining establishments. Michelin stars are more about consistency than anything else, and a mom & pop selling shawarma has as much a chance of getting a Michelin star as the next Scandinavian, forage-only $450/pp 12-seat homage to self-gratification.
Who cares about Michelin? If I need tires I'll give it due consideration. If Michelin stars are your foremost criterion in matters culinary, then maybe Gordon Ramsay will deign to open an eatery here.

Yeah, Ramsay was interested in opening shop here about 8 years ago. He balked out and decided to try his hand in Montréal instead. Failed miserably. He trades on name only these days. Few cooks have respect for him anymore, and he'd have a hard time getting serious staff.
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I digress, but having had dinner in a restaurant that actually had a Michelin star, I can say that Café Boulud is not about to get one. The only place that comes close here is Alo. Claiming to have as a tenant a future one-star Michelin is complete bullshit.

There are also Michelin Restaurants that are unimpressive and unenjoyable to eat at, but hold their stars somehow. Of course it's all personal preference in the end... I don't give a ton of weight to Michelin stars, and sometimes the intense pressure to maintain star(s) can lead to horrible results, such as with Benoît Violier.
Sam Mizrahi was interviewed at the Land and Development conference today. He indicated that SIXTEEN floors of retail -not 8 - have been fully leased to "best in breed" retailers. And that the building will have Canada's first Michelin star restaurant. Retailers will announce who they are on their own timelines, not Mizrahi . Also confirmed condo sales at 75%.

Good to hear on the percent sold - same result found on Urbanation as well for the last month or so I believe. (I don't work for Urbanation, but it is good to know there are sources out there that are somewhat reliable.)
