I don't wish to litter this thread w/Covid-related posting. Its a very important subject, but we have both the thread dedicated to same; as well as applicable political threads.
I will therefore offer a single post in this thread on that subject.
The risk of outdoor transmission, where social distance is possible is low; and there is no evidence at this time to support community transmission from objects (ie. you touched a door handle that someone w/Covid touched.).
RTL Today joined a press conference of virologist Hendrik Streeck on Tuesday and here we provide a recap of his key statements.
Superspreading Events and Control of SARS-CoV-2
That doesn't mean I agree (or disagree) w/the political decisions related to the construction industry. I simply put that out there so that science and evidence inform opinion.
Next, merits of continuing construction aside, the CFR, or case fatality rate for those under 60 is well below 1%, nominally as per the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine.
The total number of cases and the total number of deaths from COVID-19 outbreak data was drawn down (scraped) from Worldometers.
Further, serological testing in Denmark indicates that case prevalence is almost certainly at least 10x than cases proven to date.
Thusly the CFR is reduced by a factor of 10, to less than 0.1% for those under 60.
All of which doesn't really change that work on this project can't reasonably be called essential; and that there is some increase in risk for those working on the site vs not working.
Whether the political choice was the right one is a matter of preference and risk-tolerance.
But to suggest a high probability of life-endangering risk to the workers is medically and scientifically unsound. Though some risk of increased transmission would be expected; and does suggest that appropriate protocols should be in place, including testing of workers whenever symptomatic, and in any event at semi-regular intervals, this would be true even if the construction were agreed on as essential.
Now, can we pretty please get back to talking about the projects themselves in these threads and take the Covid discussions to their designated threads.