I point you to this marvel. Which did have some issues, but have been resolved since. 4 columns and a center core

In some ways the One is even more exciting - it has no supporting core - all the loads went pretty much to the 8 supercolumns only. The Hub is more similar to Citigroup Center in that regard (though the floors of the tower are supported using different structural arrangements)

I remember the problem with this skyscraper. They had to reinforce the building because they found out it wasn't safe enough and could collapse on the church below !
I remember the problem with this skyscraper. They had to reinforce the building because they found out it wasn't safe enough and could collapse on the church below !

Basically yes - they made an error with wind load assumptions compounded with a change in the way the steel was connected (from welded to bolted).

Yeah, 4 Columns would make me nervous to stand under such building. I'm glad they're going with 8!
This morning, all the extensions on the supercolumns are now installed.
@Benito @AlbertC @skycandy @Rascacielo and anyone else taking ground-level shots, please try to get the occasional shot from the same angles as renderings so I can do more progress mash-ups!
The next segments that go on top of the banana yellow support structures should be a very interesting segment. It should be a piece that looks like a plus sign (+) that bridges the 2 lower angle support structures with their respective extensions on the next level. It should also have load transferring plates to transfer loads from the restaurant (event space) floor to the lower angle support structures.

I don't think I was able to explain it properly, but I wanted to showcase my excitement for this next segment!

Also, echoing everyone's appreciation for the amazing pictures from @Benito, @thaivic, and all the folks taking pics while walking by the site! Thanks!
