I also see why they have those corner notches in the uppermost slab; to allow for the diagonal braces to come down and attach to the slab just below, the corners of which are currently being held up by the yellow support posts. I swear I'll have a degree in building construction (or at least static structures) by the time this building's completed.
yellow crane is needed for the tower, black crane will be removed eventually
It will have to be removed to access construction of the 'vator cores, I gather. As I believe this juggling around of cranes will be the next crucial step/milestone for this project.
Digging trenches on Balmuto to install gas lines for The One. The line will run up the lane way on the south side of 35 Balmuto. Edited to update the laneway since they started to cut for digging this morning. I was told north laneway originally.
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^That's not even the most expensive Rolls, I think. Looks like a Ghost--weak sauce. You want the big daddy Phantom or the SUPERKOOL Cullinan.
edit: it's a Wraith. still weak sauce.
Yuck. Enough of the conspicuous consumption, let's return to the more mundane thread topic of new housing for multi-millionaires please.

Looking at those climbing platforms on the columns, now I get why they haven't put the hangers on yet. Those platforms need to get up above the upper brackets for the hangers, or else the hangers would prevent the platforms from climbing. Or else, they'd have to tie up the crane to remove each of the platforms, fly them up to the next point, and then re-attach them.
I also see why they have those corner notches in the uppermost slab; to allow for the diagonal braces to come down and attach to the slab just below, the corners of which are currently being held up by the yellow support posts. I swear I'll have a degree in building construction (or at least static structures) by the time this building's completed.

That must also mean that each braced corner needs to be engineered to temporarily support the load of the unbraced corner above it (via the yellow support posts) before the corner above is secured with the bracing.
