Yes I read that but it doesn’t explicitly state that there isn’t a film covering them.
The two corner pieces have no film covering them. They are a light champagne colour, better detected when you're there than reproduced in photos for whatever reason.

The two corner pieces have no film covering them. They are a light champagne colour, better detected when you're there than reproduced in photos for whatever reason.

Thanks for the clarification. I was wrong in my assessment based on the pics. We will get a better feel for the colour when all the pieces are in place.
Thanks for the clarification. I was wrong in my assessment based on the pics. We will get a better feel for the colour when all the pieces are in place.


It's worth noting that what we see in the rendering above is pretty light… I don't think we've been sold a bill of goods here.

This shot of Johnny Au's does show some tint…


…however light, it's there.

It's taken a little while to have everything vetted re: what we can show and say from our hardhat tour of The One's commercial spaces two weeks ago now… but every i is now dotted and t crossed, and you can come along with us here, on the front page. There are some things in the story that have not been declared before!


EDIT: I can probably field some questions that occur based on the story. Fire away!
Glad to hear the Shoppers Drug Mart in the base of this will open by end of year. Can’t wait to see what window graphics they select for these massive panes of glass!
I'll be clear about that and anticipate a couple questions, and underline a couple other points:

• Haha, yeah, no mezzanine! If you watch the video, on the south wall of the ground floor retail space you'll see a steel frame. That's for the creation of a media wall.

• Commercial parts of The One could open as early as the lead-in to Christmas if interior fittings are done in time. Construction of the temporary construction barrier from the 17th floor should begin once everything else is completed and cured to the 18th floor, so this Spring.

• The colour you see on the two cladding test pieces at the corner is the colour you get! A deeper colour, as some people were thinking is coming… is not coming.

• Walking into the ground level retail space really hits you: THIS IS BIG! The extra-beefy size of everything in there makes it tough to show in the photos just how big it really is, but 5'9" me is in there in a red coat in one pic (red really livens up photos) to give you a sense of the scale. Of course there will be a raised floor and a dropped ceiling in there when all is done and dusted, but it's still going to be one of Toronto's wowiest spaces. Dear spellcheck, I declare wowiest a word.


Mind explaining more about this media wall? Is it just going to be a wall of screens?
that original design was next level, to bad the city neutered it abit.

I think that build had to be all structural steel - which is beyond the budget for the client. In any case the original scheme would look even better if they could get rid of the ground floor diagrid on Bloor - it looks kind of distracting.

