From this morning.



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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't KWT the one most upset by the Sunday demolition of the existing structures and basically said that she'd do everything in her power to slow down/prevent the project going forward.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't KWT the one most upset by the Sunday demolition of the existing structures and basically said that she'd do everything in her power to slow down/prevent the project going forward.

Yes. She used her power as a city counselor to settle a personal vendetta. It could have consequences for this important intersection if the project fails. She needs to go.
So, very brave of you to anonymously accuse a public figure of a misdeed in a forum that she does not belong to and is therefore unlikely to have a chance to answer the charge.

Yes. She used her power as a city counselor to settle a personal vendetta. It could have consequences for this important intersection if the project fails. She needs to go.

That "personal vendetta" was in response to a guy refusing to negotiate at all over Stollery's (which, while it was his right, was a dick move) and then proceeded to demolish the facade in a maneuver that was petty (demolishing anything worth preserving on a facade that, yes, wasn't much of a looker) and unsafe (as the scaffolding was bare bones and allowed stone materials to fall on to the street). So can we stop with this "personal vendetta" BS and accept that Mizrahi created his own problems here? Maybe if he'd made the effort to negotiate rather than just say "F*ck off, this is my property and I'll do as I please" than maybe KWT, who has proven more than open to development in her ward, might not have felt insulted (assuming she even cares, as this is all conjecture anyway).
She shouldn't act on if she feels insulted. If Mizrahi acted within his legal right and went forward with the demolition then there's nothing to be done. No need to hold a grudge on that and go tit for tat. I'm not saying she is, but if a city counsellor is going after someone and making their life difficult over a lost cause is simply just wrong. The façade situation is a sunken cost, acting and making decisions with that in mind is simply bad economics.
She shouldn't act on if she feels insulted. If Mizrahi acted within his legal right and went forward with the demolition then there's nothing to be done. No need to hold a grudge on that and go tit for tat. I'm not saying she is, but if a city counsellor is going after someone and making their life difficult over a lost cause is simply just wrong. The façade situation is a sunken cost, acting and making decisions with that in mind is simply bad economics.

Again, this is all conjecture. No one knows what's really happening here. As far as I know, publicly KWT has been nothing but supportive for Mizrahi's plan. As in, any statements she's made have been no more or less supportive than a councillor should be (despite what some seem to think, a councillor's job is not to advertise a private developers project). All I've said is, if KWT is holding a grudge against Mizrahi (and that's a big if), then he brought it on himself by being a dick with the local councillor. Mizrahi's behaviour has been erratic and, re. the Stollery's issue, was simply insulting. The way he went about the Stollery's issue was unnecessarily crude and struck me as a huge middle finger toward the person who would play a key role in moving his project from fantasy to reality.

Now, considering how well this project is moving along (compared to say the Mirvish-Gehry towers or One Yonge, the One has been moving at a supersonic pace) I find all the speculation about her holding a grudge ridiculous and simply one more example of the ignorance many on this forum have for how the planning process works, as well as a latent sexism against women councillors (and especially KWT, who is a prominent member of Council). I can understand disagreeing with her and her decisions but the way people on this forum write about her (and Jennifer Keesmaat, for that matter), you'd think KWT was some wild-eyed CommuNazi bent on destroying Toronto and it's well-deserved success. All I see is a councillor who puts her constituents needs before profit.
Now, considering how well this project is moving along (compared to say the Mirvish-Gehry towers or One Yonge, the One has been moving at a supersonic pace) I find all the speculation about her holding a grudge ridiculous and simply one more example of the ignorance many on this forum have for how the planning process works, as well as a latent sexism against women councillors (and especially KWT, who is a prominent member of Council). I can understand disagreeing with her and her decisions but the way people on this forum write about her (and Jennifer Keesmaat, for that matter), you'd think KWT was some wild-eyed CommuNazi bent on destroying Toronto and it's well-deserved success. All I see is a councillor who puts her constituents needs before profit.

Could you be more PC? 90% of councillor's are a waste of space.
Yes. She used her power as a city counselor to settle a personal vendetta. It could have consequences for this important intersection if the project fails. She needs to go.


Agree she needs to go but that won't happen until the next election. IIRC in the last election - Wong-Tam proclaimed that she would not be seeking a third term. Hopefully she lives up to her promise (although I wouldn't bet on it). The sooner Toronto is rid of her the better!
Did you guys just miss the bit about the loading issue? And better yet - how come none of you figured that one out? It seems some are holding grudges of their own. TBH, her job is not to rubber stamp projects.

And it sure sounds funny to label her as evil considering the sheer amount of projects approved in her ward. Difficult ones like Massey Tower even.

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@GotitRight - Translation: "Could you be any more right? Well, I can't admit as much, so let me just imply you're too polite and considerate of others who aren't you and suggest that means you don't actually get it while refusing to offer anything more than my own false and unproven conjecture."

The hatred of KWT on this board is just pathetic. You guys need to get a better hobby.

Agree she needs to go but that won't happen until the next election. IIRC in the last election - Wong-Tam proclaimed that she would not be seeking a third term. Hopefully she lives up to her promise (although I wouldn't bet on it). The sooner Toronto is rid of her the better!

Hallelujah! As someone who lives north of Bloor in KWT's ward I'm sick of the way she screws us over.
Did you guys just miss the bit about the loading issue? And better yet - how come none of you figured that one out? It seems some are holding grudges of their own. TBH, her job is not to rubber stamp projects.

And it sure sounds funny to label her as evil considering the sheer amount of projects approved in her ward. Difficult ones like Massey Tower even.

My understanding of the loading issue (assuming that you are referring to the laneway issue with 15 Bloor St W.) is that it's a legal and business matter and not a planning one. It will not effect the application. I believe Mizrahi has addressed the planning department's concerns with the lane?

From the latest TEYCC meeting I discovered that the owners of the H&M building (Altavista Properties Inc.) have a legal right of way for 1 and 11 Bloor St W. They have been at the table with the city, working groups and the applicant for a year now (their legal representation was not invited to the last working group, but they were). Not entirely sure if a month will resolve this? Mizrahi has offered to introduce a Dock Master to appease the H&M landowner and other businesses near the site.

It's perfectly fine to question the motives of a councillor. We live in a city where the planning isn't done solely by the planning department. It's also done by councillors (by way of their approval). This particular councillor lives in a ward that has seen a tremendous amount of applications and if I recall correctly has seen the most appeals to the OMB.... While the person above from the resident association mentioned that they are in support of the height, KWT's questioning at the recent TEYCC would suggest that height is still a concern for her.
It'd be great if, once this project is finally approved and there's more consistent basis for substantive discussion on the development itself, all of the ignorantly anti-KWT cavemen on this thread would beat it, forever. To any of you who quickly dismiss KWT, the policies she's supported, or her demeanour in any way: have you actually met her, even once? Had her deal with a constituent issue of yours? Seen her debate from the floor of Council? Interacted with her in a private enterprise capacity? I'd bet my bottom dollar that the answer is no, of course not, to each.

Much more likely is that, probably at best, you saw an edited video of her partaking in a round of respectful, adult, critical debate that happened to run counter to your oddly composed viewpoints on a particular issue and said "oh yeah, she's the worst", or probably something much more sexist, and then hopped on here to display your Neanderthal tendencies for all to see, all behind the protection of anonymity afforded by an online thread—that's just the peak of cowardice, you retrograde simpletons.

KWT as my councillor, has been professional, helpful, responsive, and caring. Nothing less, ever. If she does indeed choose not to stand for re-election, it'll be Toronto and Ward 27's sincere and significant loss. One can only hope her eventual replacement is as dedicated and capable. If you want Mammoliti or Perruzza or one of those sorts to take over for her, feel free to move to rural Texas—there are lots of those sorts of wonderfully eloquent and intelligent urbanists there.
