I certainly hope not, but judging from the new renders it looks to me the woven diamond cladding has been eliminated..? That texture is a very appealing part of the design considering it's rather conventional rectilinear form.
Do people actually think this looks fresh or dignified? To me, it's Toronto getting a third-rate Foster.

Foster isn't the firm it used it be either. It's now in the group of quality design factories instead of sitting on top of the world. Fresh doesn't apply.
I like it but frankly it does look a little awkward now with top effectively 'lopped off'. I was hoping they would address that to make a more complete and balanced looking design.

At first I was disappointed that the uppermost segment looked as though it got lopped off compared to the lower four, but I don't mind it now as it looks like a cap rather than the design stopping abruptly.
Do people actually think this looks fresh or dignified? To me, it's Toronto getting a third-rate Foster.

Let's be real. This is still better than 95% of what's being built in Toronto, and it's certainly unique to the city. I'd rather a third-rate Foster than the same Wallman, Core, HP and aA designs we've seen over and over again.
Had someone shown me this final incarnation without knowing the architect I never would guess Foster. His signature diagrid exoskeleton and unconventional profiles is what appealed.
Had someone shown me this final incarnation without knowing the architect I never would guess Foster. His signature diagrid exoskeleton and unconventional profiles is what appealed.

Quite a few of the projects under his firm (esp. residential ones) no longer has that feature - besides, I am not even sure how much of a hand he is in this (or most) lower profile project...

Let's be real. This is still better than 95% of what's being built in Toronto, and it's certainly unique to the city. I'd rather a third-rate Foster than the same Wallman, Core, HP and aA designs we've seen over and over again.
I couldnt agree more, i'd rather take Foster's worst design over the best designs from the likes of P+S/IBI, aA, and G+C to name a few, who all come up with the same garbage and copy paste across developments all over the city.
Woah there. One is not like the other. I'll take aA over F+P's worst. The One is not even that great. I think aA could have pulled off a better, cohesive design given the same budget and freedoms. Different, foreign grass is not always greener.
i have lost interest in this project cause they got rid of those diamond fins on the podium :mad:
251 UT pages and what do you get? You get a vacant lot with a dumpster, and deeper in debt, FFS, this project should be measured in geological time.
There's room for both F+P (for whatever that means at this point in this firm's history) and aA in the city -- there are certainly enough projects to go around, and I'd love for both F+P and aA to get more work in the city.

The fact that we're not getting our own 30 St. Mary Axe here (for those who even wanted that sort of thing) doesn't necessarily mean the project isn't interesting.

I like that the design is unique for contemporary tower design in Toronto (and especially for Yorkville), and I especially like that the most interesting thing about watching this thing rise won't be how the window wall interacts with the curtain wall or how the seems in the brick precast look, etc. To me, it's different without being kitschy, and that's worth something right now.
6 floors of above-ground retail, 10 floors of hotel and 60 floors of condos add up to 76 floors. Are the remaining 6 floors the gaps (mechanical floors?) between the 'sections'?
Yes, they are!

Does anyone know why they decided to eliminate the diamond pattern cladding on the podium? To me that was one of the most interesting parts of the design. Now it just looks like a more boring glass tower. In any case, if this isn't part of the design anymore, then it shouldn't be featured in the prominent project picture for the One on this site.
I couldnt agree more, i'd rather take Foster's worst design over the best designs from the likes of P+S/IBI, aA, and G+C to name a few, who all come up with the same garbage and copy paste across developments all over the city.

I don't disagree with your overall sentiment but since you're lumping in two of the worst firms in the city with one of the best, I do question your approach.
