You have me now convinced. I was completely off my rocker. The "chopped off the top" The One is still the greatest design to hit this city since Dancey's Pharmacy Building. So creative too unlike aA that packages the same ideas in different orders over and over again. Yeah, every single detail in The ONE has never been used before by F+P.
It really seems like we ended up with the most boring version of the tower, unfortunately. The one on the right looks really interesting - the exoskeleton is more of a web and it really draws you in, visually.

Interesting to see all the other options for the tower at the Toronto of the Future exhibition.

It really seems like we ended up with the most boring version of the tower, unfortunately. The one on the right looks really interesting - the exoskeleton is more of a web and it really draws you in, visually.

I suspect that there isn't a tower in this city where we wouldn't be disappointed had we been given the opportunity to see the preliminary visions of the design.
I suspect that there isn't a tower in this city where we wouldn't be disappointed had we been given the opportunity to see the preliminary visions of the design.

Does the CN tower count? Early models of the CN tower looked kind of funky with three columns and all. Looked a lot more like a broadcasting antenna than what we have today. What we got was much better.
Count me in the “we got the most boring version of this tower” contingent. We’ve got one shot at this location. This is it. I’m kind of hoping that Mizrahi proves his naysayers right and this falls through. We’ve waited long for this tower, we can wait a little longer. This land wouldn’t stay vacant for long.
So do we know for sure that the 306m is the final height? We can complain all we want about the design but this thing appears to be moving ahead and I for one am at least excited for a supertall that could very well end up looking fantastic.
I agree, let's not make the perfect the enemy of the good. This is very good indeed. If you forget that, just look at Aura :)
I agree, let's not make the perfect the enemy of the good. This is very good indeed. If you forget that, just look at Aura :)
Yep, well put. This building admittedly might not be quite to my exact taste--it borders on being slightly gauche. But whatever--I can't wait for it to rise.
Still working on Hue's Kitchen interior demolition.


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wow .. a dumpster or two a day ... that's some progress (for Mizrahi and not really anyone else.)
I really don't get the hate-fest for Mizrahi lots of folks on here seem to have. He's delivered some good projects, has others in-progress, and has taken on a big one here that, warts and all, will be a pretty neat addition to the city and neighbourhood.
