I thought I would share this photo taken on Oct 2008, before 1 Bloor E was built.

So willing to make a little wager What do we think will happen first? Jib of the crane gets higher than one bloor or glass and cladding get past first mechanical level. Wouldn't mind seeing what everybody's thoughts are
They have nearly got enough to start another section of corners. Looks like two more floors and then the the diagonal braces can be installed

Edit from thinking- thinking about it the other day. I was going to ask why it was that they had stopped moving forward on corners and as I made this post I realized exactly why it is as they have to get one section of floors with diagonal bracing required before they can start pouring the corner sections as the full lengths need to be installed
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Photos taken today, Friday (Nov. 17). Since my previous post last Friday the forms at the top have moved up one level, save for the corner forms which presumably are pausing as they have reached the second mechanical level. The north Rail Climbing System (RCS) has joined the east RCS, installing the skin for the 12th floor. Forgot to check to see if any glass and cladding had reached the 11th floor on the south side, west of the crane. But the west RCS remains at the 11th floor. And, a start, barely, on the installation of the skin on the 13th floor, on the south side.

The usual addition to my Flickr "time-lapse" album, followed by views from the south, including a view of the SE corner where some super-column cladding has been added on the south side, and a couple glass sections have been installed on the 13th floor. Then, shots by Holt Renfrew, west on Bloor, then from Cumberland east of Bay, followed by a series from the NE area of Yonge and Bloor. The final shot is from the west, Bloor and Bedford.

Now that they seem to be pouring level 43 - please correct me on this if need be - but that is a big, if arbitrary, milestone - at 151.775 m, that puts 1 Bloor W into the "skyscraper" category by most definitions. Or maybe that height is to the ceiling of 43 and we are only on the floor? Interesting to note that the first building in Toronto to reach that skyscraper designation was the TD Bank Tower in 1967, at 223 metres. Amazingly, it was the 14th-tallest building in the world when completed, according to the Wikipedia page on tall Toronto buildings. It is now the 14th-tallest building - in Toronto - and that doesn't include the CN Tower or EIGHT current projects (including 1 Bloor W) not completed which will go higher.


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Photos taken today, Friday (Nov. 17). Since my previous post last Friday the forms at the top have moved up one level, save for the corner forms which presumably are pausing as they have reached the second mechanical level. The north Rail Climbing System (RCS) has joined the east RCS, installing the skin for the 12th floor. Forgot to check to see if any glass and cladding had reached the 11th floor on the south side, west of the crane. But the west RCS remains at the 11th floor. And, a start, barely, on the installation of the skin on the 13th floor, on the south side.

The usual addition to my Flickr "time-lapse" album, followed by views from the south, including a view of the SE corner where some super-column cladding has been added on the south side, and a couple glass sections have been installed on the 13th floor. Then, shots by Holt Renfrew, west on Bloor, then from Cumberland east of Bay, followed by a series from the NE area of Yonge and Bloor. The final shot is from the west, Bloor and Bedford.

Now that they seem to be pouring level 43 - please correct me on this if need be - but that is a big, if arbitrary, milestone - at 151.775 m, that puts 1 Bloor W into the "skyscraper" category by most definitions. Or maybe that height is to the ceiling of 43 and we are only on the floor? Interesting to note that the first building in Toronto to reach that skyscraper designation was the TD Bank Tower in 1967, at 223 metres. Amazingly, it was the 14th-tallest building in the world when completed, according to the Wikipedia page on tall Toronto buildings. It is now the 14th-tallest building - in Toronto - and that doesn't include the CN Tower or SEVEN current projects (including 1 Bloor W) not completed which will go higher.

I think the floor poured today is floor 44. I guess you can also call it the ceiling of the 43rd ‘floor’.
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